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It all started in the early life of Lena Walsh, her mother Elizabeth Walsh was trying to raise her daughter the best she could in Ireland, it wasn't easy knowing that Lena was part of the Luthor, the most powerful known family, and also the most dangerous people. Elizabeth was working two full time jobs trying to get them through without talking to the man she had a one night stand with. Lena had a normal life with her mother, good grades a few friends and an amazing relationship, but one day her life would change forever.

The sun is shining bright Lena has her little feet in the sand, enjoying the breeze from the ocean "come on Lena let's go take a swim!" Lena jumped up real quick and ran towards the water with her mom, she got on top of moms shoulder as the water touched her feet and her mom swam further out into the sea Lena ended up floating off of her moms shoulder into the ocean water only putting her legs down and standing at the tides come in near her little waist, suddenly she turns around to go towards her mom and she can't find her mom? Mom! as Lena frantically looks for her mother as onlookers can see Lena is freaking out as they rush in the water to grab onto Lena before she's sweep under the tides mom! Lena tried to fight the man's grip on her as the women around her call the local authorities to find her mother.

Lena sits by the side of the sand near the ambulance as the officer comes over honey do you have family near by? Your mom went missing we are doing everything to find her Lena shook her little head as she stares pass the officer eyes at the water okay I'll see what I can find for you darling are you okay telling me your home address Lena nodded and written down the address as she heads towards the officers car. Lena opens the door and tells the female officer her mothers room for the emergency list she always had in her drawer. Okay miss Walsh I have the list if you want to go ahead and gather some clothes and whatever else you need Lena nodded and gathered some clothes and her favorite teddy bear her mom got her a while back.

Lena and the female officer arrived at the police station, as Lena is lead into a break room type of room, as the officer calls everyone on the list, and no one answered but her father Lionel Luthor, the officer stared at the name but finally told Mr.Luthor what happened before she could say where she is Mr.Luthor mentioned he is on the way with his jet at the local airport. Hello Lena I'm Lionel your father, I'm sorry about your mother Lena never knew who her father was just a man that was never around so she never expected to see him, this tallish man in a business suit my wife will care for you while I work you will have a brother his name is Lex Lena slept most of the flight to the US

Lena was exhausted from the long flight but also nervous about meeting her new family, Lionel pulled the car up to the long gravel driveway okay Lena just stay near me and all will go good Lena nodded Lionel's maid gathered Lena's luggage, Lena still clung to her teddy bear, Lena looks around at the huge mansion, out in the middle of nowhere, no ocean, no traffic, nothing but a forest. She followed Lionel towards the door walking into a beautiful dark oak wooden staircase, and the wooden floors leading into a piano room with a book shelf wow as Lena can see her life going to complete change, Lena heard a lady whispering to Lionel I told you I didn't want her here Lionel looked at the older woman you promised you will take care of her so now do it she already lost a lot the older woman appears into the piano room and walked towards Lena hello my name is Lillian and I'll be taking care of you for now on Lex your brother is upstairs playing chess do you want to join? Lena wasn't that young to not understand the older lady was furious but kept her smile anyways sure as Lena and Lillian walked up the stairs towards the guest room to show Lena her new room she'll be staying in, Lena dropped off her book bag as she scanned the room and out the window she could see the field of trees okay come on you have to meet your new brother Lena followed Lillian not sure how to get over her anxiety

Hi I'm Lex you wanna play a game with me? Lena brighten up at the offer not sure how to play chess so Lex had to show her the ropes to the game and within the first game she checkmate her new brother nice one! Let's play again but this time pay attention there's a reason why I let you beat me Lena nodded and understood the method to her new brothers madness

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