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Lena woke up the next day with a stinging headache remembering drinking her scotch too much last night, she's swore she saw a red cape moving in the wind from her window but when her eyes adjusted she realized it was her curtains. She stumbled to her bathroom and quickly took a shower to wake up from the hangover

Lex walked into the kitchen as Lena poured her coffee Hey Sis Lena almost dropped her cup How did you get past my guards? Lex smiled Easy it's called a break. Lena rolled her eyes before the sting in her neck Now you are going to kill Supergirl and I will help you end her Lena nodded in response even though the real Lena underneath is disagreeing. Now here is this dagger, when you get close to her stab her with this in her chest and break it off to where it won't be able to removed Lena nodded and said you got it I can't wait to get rid of her

Supergirl stands near the balcony at the tower staring off at the distance lost in her own thoughts as she hears Lena signal watch go off, she quickly lands at Lena's apartment ready to apologize for her actions early the other day before she could even speak Lena reached around and stabbed Kara from behind with dagger and Kara could feel the kryptonite pour into her veins with her body on fire

Lena as Kara falls onto the floor Lena walked in front of and grabbed Kara's face and Kara can see the change in Lena's demeanor Why? as Kara bleeds out from the wound before blacking out

Lex walked behind Lena Good job sis and deactivated the device in Lena's neck and disappeared. Lena fell next to Kara and passed out from the serum that was exiting her body.

Finally she's dead as Lex cheers in excitement

Lena woke up to a hard floor and can see Kara in front of her laying lifeless Oh my God Kara.. Kara wake up.. damnit Lena reaches for her phone and calls Alex

She's dead.. Alex she's dead and I... I killed her Alex didn't say anything and hung up, Lena grabs Kara and shakes her Kara... please please wake up!...
Lena passed out through her panic attack

Lena woke up in the med bay with the lights shining into her eyes with a nurse checking up on her vitals

Where's.. where's Kara? Is she okay? Lena as she tries to get up from the bed ma'am you have to stay laying down we will have someone come in and talk to you when I'm finished Lena nodded her head at the nurse and tried to calm herself down

Alex... I'm so sorry... as Lena sees Alex walks into the room Lena.. you killed Kara, you killed my sister, I may never forgive you, but I will kill Lex with my barehands

                                 Kara Danvers
                  Wonderful Daughter, Friend
                                   El Mayarah
                                End of Chapter
            Thank you for your support :)

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