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Look guys I'm fine thanks to Supergirl I was rescued from the warehouse as Lena gathered her belongings from the hospital I would just like to go home and rest the doctor handed her her discharge papers. Hank nodded fair enough my team can take you home Lena shook her head it's okay my ride is out front Hank watched as Lena exited the hospital and called Kara it's been done, her mind has been erased Kara hesitate over the phone okay.. good Hank didn't feel convince that Kara was okay with what plan she set out but didn't push I'll see you at the DEO tomorrow morning Kara agreed yes sir see you then

Kara tabs her pen in the glass table at her apartment trying to figure out if she made the right decision, her mind goes back to rescuing Lena and Lena's eyes locked on Kara's for the first time, inches away from her as Lena cling to Kara's suit and felt her grip tighten as Lena felt safe from the attack, Lena's lip was busted up a bit and had a slight healing black eye, Kara had to hold back from attacking him that was being dragged away by the NCPD. All Kara could say to Lena was I'm sorry Lena held her eyes clothes as Kara flew to the hospital where she was staying for a night to run tests. Kara you need to control your anger Lena needs you as Hank stood by the door how can I face this what the man did to her Hank grabbed Kara and grasped her shoulders Kara she needs you more than you know you calm her inner self so go I'll deal with the mind wipe later.
Kara was suddenly pulled out of her memory when she heard a knock from her door she quickly flipped the tin can over to see a burnt cake ugh Kara opened the door to see Lena are you grief baking Kara scoffed no Lena smirked at Kara liar, Kara was shocked to see Lena here after everything that happened 24 hours ago I was going to talk to you about something Kara leaned on the tablet go ahead I'm all ears Lena smiled a bit I met someone that I'm in love with I think Kara looked at Lena oh who is he Lena smirked a bit it's a her Kara and you know her Kara thought back to conversation with Alex oh that's.. awesome Lena could feel Kara's voice shaken up a bit yeah she wears a cape Kara almost choked on her tea and started coughing a bit excuse me.. the tea was hot.. umm that's amazing Lena reached for a napkin for Kara yeah I hope I'm not intruding anything I see the way you talk about her all the time Kara shook her head no no by all means it's not like that I promise Lena smiled widen good can I get her number Kara's eyes was a dead giveaway uh uh.. yeah.. sure I'll tell her you.. Lena reached Kara's hand hey you okay are you sure this is okay? Lena can see Kara barely paying attention ..this was a bad time to mention it huh after the attacker and such Kara finally came back to reality no no I'll give you her number soon right now she's on a mission for something that came up Lena smiled thank you you're the best so what's your kryptonite? Kara smiles while Lena and her head to her meeting for her project she finished uhhh is all Kara could say before Lena changed the subject

Alex heads over to Kara's for a 911 busting down the door what's the emergency Kara.. wtf you're drinking Kara tipsy herself to Alex Lena is in love with me well not me Supergirl Alex stood there not shocked well I mean we did erase her mind Kara Kara almost threw her bottle at Alex it doesn't fucking matter! She's in love with Supergirl not me she'll never see me only her Alex can feel the tension okay Kara relax just play along with it Kara threw up in the kitchen sink oh.. oh okay okay no more drinks for you let's get you cleaned up come on. Alex helped Kara in the shower and got her fresh clothes, Alex can hear the small cries in the bathroom before hearing broken tiles Kara may I come in please Kara didn't respond but turned off the shower look damn you look fucked up Lena will we will get through this together okay I promise Kara leaned up against the wall trying to steady herself how am I suppose to give her Supergirls number when it's the same phone but different numbers what if she texts her and my phone pings! Alex sighed Kara you're overreacting I need you to breathe it'll all work out Kara eyes glowed in rage and put a hole in her ceiling Kara stop we are getting you to bed Alex finally shoved herself on her bed no covers no nothing but tears Alex I'm in love with Lena what am I suppose to do? Alex reached down and played with her sisters hair I know it's painful but we will figure this out

Kara phone pings the next day and it's Lena

Lena: hey I'm happy Kara gave me your number so you think we can talk privately?

Supergirl: no I'm kara (deletes it) yes we can where?

Lena: my office after 6?

Supergirl: okay

Shit is all Kara could think about before switching her role

Supergirl landed on Lena's balcony before knocking on her office door Lena quickly jumped out of her seat Jesus Supergirl you scared me Supergirl walked in you needed to see me everything okay after the attack? Lena leaned up against her desk yes thank you for everything I want to give you something in return Lena handed Supergirl a device it's a bracelet with red sun inhibitors Supergirl looked at it oh what's this for? Lena hesitated I want to take you out on a date and want you to feel comfortable in your skin and not have to worry about breaking anything Supergirl nodded a date? Well.. what about Kara, I thought you had a thing for her Lena smiled trust me Kara is but you rescued me three times and I just want to give you a proper thank you Supergirl realized where this is going sure we can go on a date

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