Luthor Corp

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Lena was in her lab working on her project as she received a letter to try to new latest greatest Venture from her assistant oddly enough I'll be busy I won't be going. Lena already in town knowing the Supergirl has saved so many people with some mistakes but never doubted her ability to become better, she got an alert from her tablet the Venture blew up in the sky and is falling fast nearby her eyes become shocked with her hand over her beating heart worried for the people, only to see Supergirl and Superman save the plane I haven't seen Superman in a while I wonder if he's after me for this one. As Lena takes off her lab coat and put on her suit coat grabbing her purse, not realizing the time, she had ordered coffee to be delivered to her office.

Two journalists follow Lena to her office one she recognizes from the Daily Planet, the other one she isn't sure who are you? The young reporter seemed nervous oh I'm not a reporter I'm just tagging along, I'm Kara, Kara Danvers Lena smiled walking to her desk before responding I assume you are here for what happened to Venture and I assume you are here to look for answers if I had anything to do with it? Clark looked into her eyes with no doubt did you? Lena looked back at Clark you wouldn't be asking me if my last name was smith Clark smiled a bit but it's not.. it's Luthor with a pause from either party the young woman looked at both of them as Lena looked out the window, the young woman and Clark scanned the window before Lena had a time to turn back here's a drive with all the flies of the Venture look Mr. Clark I'm trying to restart my name not bury it further Clark just smiled good day Miss Luthor as the young woman said the same and they both walked out fuck as Lena is leaving shaking from trying to make the world a better place and the Luthors keep trying to ruin her reputation.

She finished her coffee ready to take the day off before she returned to her lab frustrated she texted Andrea

Lena: I'm okay thank you for the voicemail you sent me I appreciate it I just had a journalist ask me questions if I caused the venture to explode

Andrea: I'm glad you are okay I was worried

Lena: odd enough the girl with him looked oddly familiar to the girl in the cape

Andrea: really? Well just be careful because if she's related to Superman she would come after you

Lena: you're right

Lena locked her phone after texting Andrea her mind is trying to get this Kara Danvers off of her mind, she decides to head home not even bothering to finish the project that's half way through. Davis can you send me my driver up front as Lena gets ready to exit her office sure miss Luthor Lena texts Cat Grant the CEO of CatCo worldwide media

Lena: Good evening, I was hoping your little journalist would come by my office today but he had someone new with him

Miss Grant: Ah yes Kara Danvers she's trying to find her footing after I promoted her what do you think? Journalist a good fit?

Lena: I could try to push her towards that direction she just seemed shy at first

Miss Grant: only time will tell for Miss Danvers do you want to stop by the bar later?

Lena: no thank you Miss Grant but I appreciate the offer

Miss Grant: you need to make friends out here Lena it's not healthy for anyone to be a loner

Lena didn't respond back to Cats text message and got into her car heading home for the day. Suddenly a drone was peering above her car shooting bullets at the roof Lena ducked into the vehicle as quickly as possible as her driver is killed on impact of the bullets amazingly Lena wasn't touched by a single bullet what the hell was that? Lena finally looked up to see her as the image is blocked from the sun someone is trying to kill you Lena looked perplexed trying to figure out who you're safe Miss Luthor Lena never really felt safe even in her own office, home, and now her vehicle do you need medical attention Lena finally rosed up from the seat of her car as Supergirl helped balance Lena no I'm fine I'm okay I just don't understand.. how did this happen Supergirl can see Lena is panicking a bit relax Miss Luthor you're safe I promise we will get whoever did this to you Lena brushed off Supergirl from her touch even though the girl of steel was gentle with her hands on Lena's arm to hold her steady I'll be fine but I need to head home thank you Supergirl nodded and got out of Lena's way before flying off she looked back at Lena worried about leaving her side even though she just met Lena an hour ago in her office

I don't know Clark she doesn't seem to be like Lex Kara tried to explain to Clark at Noonans Kara she's a Luthor you cant keep your guard down I understand she's a pretty face Kara scoffed at Clark really Clark is that why you think my guard is down no I clearly can see she isn't harming anyone Clark can sense Kara is done with the conversation about Lena okay I will help you find out who attacked Lena okay? Kara shoved her sandwich in her mouth and didn't say anything else

Kara opened her apartment door to see Alex is justifying with Clark Kara no Lena is dangerous you never know what she's capable of Kara infuriated please leave I need to get some rest I have to get this article for Miss Grant Alex put her arm over Kara and kissed her forehead just be careful Kara nodded annoyingly

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