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Supergirl showed up at Lena's apartment dressed in a long white dress with the glyph Good evening Lena, Lena was in a dark green dress You dress up well ready? Supergirl held out her arm as Lena wrapped her arm around Supergirl. The traffic was light from the ride to the restaurant hello ladies what can I get you to drink? Lena peeks at the menu red wine is that okay with you Su.. Supergirl looked at Lena yes thank you as Supergirl blushes. Supergirl and Lena discuss Supergirl's childhood I was born on a now dead planet Krypton, it was a beautiful city, my mother Alura Zor El was kind of a lawyer and my father Zor El was a scientist, he created a lot of things while on Krypton, I was training to become a military guild, but my planet suddenly started to break apart so at age 12 my parents me on a pod and sent me to Earth to protect.. Lena noticed Supergirl hesitated her response afterwards oh I'm sorry that happened to you I didn't realize it was that rough Supergirl smiled a little its okay it was long ago Lena poured more wine in her glass Supergirl barely touching her wine Do you want something else to drink Supergirl shook her head no no its delicious Lena smirked my childhood was shitty, my mom died when I was 5, she drowned, then my father Lionel took me in, Lillian basically raised me but it was just pure violence, I was left with bruises I just quickly got done with high school and went to school at MIT, then my brother got arrested for trying to kill Superman and harming citizens Supergirl held onto Lena's hand during her story trying to keep her composure from wanting to rip her family in half but the bracelet seemed to help keep her powers dampened enough

Supergirl and Lena was about to head to Lena's ride wait I want to show you something as Supergirl held her hand out as she took off the bracelet Lena carefully took Supergirl hand as Lena was pressed against the warmth of her skin, and pretty sure melted in her arms, Supergirl flew gently in the air as Lena kept her eyes closed she hated heights, Supergirl felt Lena's grip tighten as she got higher in the sky, Lena look at me please Lena barely opened one eye to look up at Supergirl and they locked eyes for a minute I'll never drop you never fear the skies with me, I promise Lena smiled and pressed her lips gently on Supergirl we are here as Supergirl gently lowered them to the ground, Lena looked around wow Supergirl. The city lights beamed so far away, no traffic, nothing but the silence of the small breeze of the wind Lena quickly became cold as she shivered slightly, Supergirl wrapped her up in the cape, the cape she uses for flying and protected her from the gun fire and flames thank you as Lena gripped onto the cape feeling the fabric between her fingers this amazing view do you come out here often Supergirl saw Lena's eyes shine under the stars and full moon yes it helps me clear my mind when the city noises become too much but clearly I can hear everything like your heartbeat Lena eyes glances at Supergirl really what does it feel like hearing my heart beating Supergirl leaned as she wrapped her arms around Lena standing behind and whispered in her ear when I touch you your heart quickens, when your sad it becomes slow, and when you kiss me it melts into pieces Lena turned to face Supergirl and pressed herself against her and gripped Supergirl neck and pulled her in for a kiss, the kiss grew as their breathing became heavy, Supergirl gently laid Lena on the pavement making sure the cape is under the goddess that's below her what would you like? Lena eyes hungry for more as her hands wrapped Supergirl's waist make love to me? Supergirl smirked not out here you'll get cold Lena pursed her lips and rolled her eyes okay gentlewoman take us back to my place.

Supergirl quickly flew them well what seemed like to Lena, as they landed on Lena's porch like balcony, Lena took off Supergirl dress only underneath is perking breasts and white boy shorts with her abs, Lena couldn't keep her hands to herself Damn, as Supergirl took off Lena's dress in a fashion as she started to feel Lena's sensitive area, Lena buckled underneath the Girl of Steel strength, Supergirl was gentle to the touch but kept her speed the same. Supergirl enjoyed the sounds that escaped from her lips as she planted a gentle kiss on her neck. Hours of touching and exploring each other, Lena laid on Supergirl chest soaking in this moment praying its not a dream. That was amazing as Lena peered in her eye's I'm glad you enjoyed yourself as Supergirl kissed her forehead, they are tangled in the sheets. Lena woke up to the sun shining through the curtains, she was searching for Supergirl in her bed but noticed it was empty, Lena just laid on her side and opened her book and waited, Supergirl finally appeared I'm sorry that was an emergency I had to go, but I got us coffee from Italy and breakfast from Paris Lena threw her robe on and kissed Supergirl wow this is going to be new Supergirl smiled anytime so I have to head back soon I have to do paperwork Lena understood

Supergirl landed at her apartment and changes to Kara Danvers, her phone pings

Lena: I had a great time

Supergirl: I did too I'll see you later?

Lena: Tonight?

Supergirl: Sure :)

Kara headed to CatCo for the official Monday, Snapper didn't seem to happy today with no chance to have his Danish and coffee, he both looked at Kara and Winn Can I please get five minutes to myself? Kara hopped up and down trying to explain a new story she wants to write about Coffee and Danish please, a young woman showed up to talk to Snapper about her missing daughter. Snapper tried his best to not look upset for his breakfast being interrupted, the lady followed Kara and Snapper into his office to discuss everything. Snapper we have to do something for her Snapper looked at Kara annoyed five.. minutes.. I want coffee and my Danish and peace and quiet.

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