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Supergirl lands into a warehouse with a weird oval device that's a length of a city bus what the? the machine turned on and two aliens walked through and grabbed Supergirl violently and dragged her through the void. Once Supergirl was on the other side she realized it was a red sun planet so her powers were useless, one of the aliens punch Supergirl hard enough to knock her out cold.

Back in National City the DEO is running normally Winn is shooting darts across the wall trying to get a bulleyes when Alex walked over and snatched the plastic toy out of his hand hey I wasn't hurting anyone Alex laughed and shot one dart and got the bulleyes without looking Winn was clearly upset after the achievement was made by Alex. Hank walked up with a grim look on his face Has anyone heard from Kara? Alex looked at Hank I'm sure she's still with Lena or working at CatCo everything okay? Hank folded his arms not thrilled She was suppose to come by after CatCo and meet up for training Alex shrugged her shoulders and Winn typed in to find her tracker and they realized she was no longer in National City.

Alex grew concerned Call Lena Hank shook his head her mind is wiped remember Alex grabbed her phone to call it doesn't mean she cant know what's going on with Supergirl. A few rings go through before she hears the CEO sounds like she just woke up Good Morning Lena its Alex Lena stood up quickly from her bed What's wrong? Alex swallowed her words back Supergirl is missing we don't know where she's at Lena quickly got dressed I'm on my way Alex could feel Hank is staring her down Alex.. this isn't a good idea Alex looked at Hank She deserves to know and maybe she can help.

Lena arrived coat and all business CEO serious look Where is she? Alex met Lena at the stairs we are not sure but maybe she told you anything prior to heading here Lena stood at the command desk No not at all Kara might know? Alex looked at Winn No she's been at CatCo all day Lena looked at everyone so we are going to stand here and not go look for her? Alex reassured Lena we are doing everything we can Lena stood there more pissed enough not enough she mentioned to me about looking for a missing kid that was reported to Snapper and Kara today Alex looked at Hank Okay Ill go check with Snapper to get some idea of this missing kid is located and possibly where Supergirl went.

Hank walked into CatCo as Kara in case Lena shows up prior but sure enough he was right Kara, hey did you hear about Supergirl Hank responded the best he could no I didn't thank you for telling me how are you holding up? Lena folded her arms Im fine the date went well that you for hooking us up Hank almost threw up in his mouth but kept his composure no problem Lena adjusted her self to walk with Hank to Snapper office Lena didn't hesitate what was that ladies name that came in with the missing kid? Snapper looked up from the article he was editing Emily and gave them the missing kid.

Supergirl wakes up with a throbbing headache, as she wines from a possible broken wrist, she looks around herself and sees people, people she recognizes from the missing people listing Supergirl its you, you can get us out Supergirl tried to stand but had a hard time holding herself up my powers don't work on this planet I will do everything to get us out. Everyone looked at Supergirl in disbelief how are we going to get out of here if you are useless Supergirl looked at the young man I may not have my powers but I will get us out if its my last dying breath the young man reached to hold Supergirl up and steady okay what's the plan. A tall lengthy alien walked up to the cell and said something to the guards, the guards open the gate and grabbed Supergirl and hauled her off to the main part of the ship Supergirl why are you here? Mon-El from Daxam looked shocked guys she cant be here shes not to be traded off Supergirl pissed off look at Mon-El why are you selling these kids!? Mon-El got up from his throne I have to make money since your planet destroyed mine Supergirl stood straight up even though her body was screaming in agony Fuck you Mon-El you don't deserve shit let these kids go take me Mon-El walked face to face with Supergirl and punched her in her stomach Might be a fair deal Supergirl wines in pain and almost falls to her knees but Mon-El grabbed her by her throat you don't make the rules around here Kryptonian Supergirl wishes her powers were full on because she was ready to blast his head off fuck you Mon-El I'm not scared of you Mon-El smiles and checks Supergirl cleavage Sure you say that because of your ego Supergirl heard a loud bomb going off behind her and everyone including herself was thrown back from the blast, Supergirl slammed into the wall back first and heard her ribs crack from the pressure and she passed out from the pain.

Move Move! get the children out of here now! Supergirl, hey Supergirl wake up fuck Hank she's out cold Alex mentions over the comms, Lena is hearing in from the other end tearing up Hank I'm transferring Supergirl over now Hank heads over to the transporter with extra agents to cover Alex's team Supergirl.. as Hank sees her body is damaged from the blast quick she needs the sun lamps. The team rushed her to the med bay, slowly cut her suit off and draped her body with covers and wires keeping monitor on her heartbeat, bandages up and her wrist put in a cast Lena stood outside of the room texting Kara but not receiving any response fuck this your best friend and can't come for an emergency

Supergirl opened her eyes not sure if she's still on the ship she quickly went to fight mode and the first doctor she saw was thrown across the room and blasted the walls of the Nth metal room, strong enough to withstand Supergirl's damage Supergirl stop you're safe Alex ran in once she heard the commotion you're okay you're back in National City Supergirl stood there fully naked and fell to a ball and curled up and started crying Alex walked up and gently went to reach for her sister but Supergirl flinched from the touch and caught Alex wrist instantly Kara..let go please.. Alex whispered in case Lena was near by Supergirl quickly released her sisters wrist and saw a bruise form Alex I'm so sorry Supergirl started crying again traumatized from what happened, Lena walked in Supergirl.. Lena was stopped by Alex in case Supergirl hurt her too Be careful she's going through a lot Lena nodded and sat a few feet away from Supergirl Babe do you know where you are? Supergirl gently nodded her head Can I hold your hand Lena couldn't even get the sentence out before Supergirl quickly sped into Lena's arms, Lena had to do everything to not fall over but she's sure Supergirl understood and held them both balanced you're safe I promise the children are all safe I'm proud of you

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