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Kara walked into CatCo she fixes her glasses as Lena approached her Kara hey I missed you I'm sorry I've been busy taking care of Supergirl Kara smiled and gently let go of Lena It's okay how is she? Lena walked with Kara to their usual spot as they get ready to order their lunch She's doing better training to regain her strength the abduction really messed her up Kara reached inside her purse as her phone vibrated Alex reached out to her to make sure work is going okay So how is the reporting going? Kara laughed a little good Snapper is letting me finally get my own articles published, I was wondering if I could use your help on doing an article on Lex? Lena shifted in her seat to get a bit more comfortable Sure anything you wanna know I will help as much as I can Kara smiled, Lena looked at Kara a bit more and started to see the sparkle that Supergirl has suddenly Lena is met with a headache excuse me Kara I'm going to go get some Ibuprofen Kara nodded concerned look on her face Sure are you okay..? Lena head was starting to get worse when her seeing a vision of Kara standing there with the Super suit on.

Lena heads to the bathroom to drown her face with water and took some pain killers to stop the throbbing in her head, Nia walked in the bathroom Lena? Lena smiled a little Jus a headache I'm fine Nia put her hand on Lena shoulder do you want me to get Kara? Lena looked at Nia No I'm about to head back out there to eat with Kara Nia smiled okay well take care of yourself. Lena felt a little better the fresh air outside helped tons You feeling okay? Kara asked with a concerned still planted on her face Yes thank you I haven't slept much since Supergirl came back Kara nodded watching Lena more closely. They finished their lunch "date" I'll see you Friday for the article? Kara smiled wide Yes big belly burgers? Lena looked back at Kara and saw the vision again but with a darken red and black Super suit with red glow eyes as Kara reappeared in this fog memory Lena? Kara walked towards her best friend Lena held up her hand making Kara stop at her tracks I'm fine and see you then Lena turned to exit the lobby and waits for the (5241562<-- from authors cat Chubs) doors to close she dials on her phone Alex something is happening.

Alex met up with Lena at L-Corp Lena what's going on? Lena finally set down her glass of scotch I was eating lunch with Kara and I got this weird feeling or vision of some sort I kept seeing Kara change into Supergirl, but not the Super I know, someone completely new Alex can sense Lena is almost in a panic Okay well Supergirl is still in training do you want me to have her know you want to see her maybe the distance is causing something Alex secretly knows what's happening and texts Hank No she needs to get her strength together and I have all this work to catch up on I believe I need to have some tests done to make sure I'm okay, can we schedule later tomorrow? Alex nodded yes that's fine Alex heads back to the DEO and 911 everyone but Lena. We have a problem Alex sees Supergirl does her usual pose and Hank folds his arms Lena came to me after your lunch together and kept seeing Supergirl not you and it caused her to become sick but she said the second time she saw you she saw not a Supergirl she's seen before Supergirl looked at Hank first Maybe her brain is trying to alter the memory wipe and it's fighting itself Supergirl grew pissed well that's not fucking good is it? Alex tried to reason with her sister Kara Hank told us it could reverse as well or have ill affects Supergirl didn't want to listen I don't care this is Lena for crying out loud Hank faced Supergirl You wanted this remember Supergirl rage flung open Don't blame this shit on me Hank Alex looked at Supergirl shocked Supergirl what's gotten into you? Supergirl finally walked off and looked back at them both if people would listen to me for once things wouldn't hurt people I love Alex and Hank watched Supergirl walked off She's right Alex but bring Lena in tomorrow and I will see what I can do Alex nodded and texted Lena the time to come by

Supergirl headed to the fortress of Solitude as she punched her way training with the rage like no other suddenly she was struck from Mon-El I've been waiting for you Supergirl flipped herself in the air and landed on with a ground shaking as Mon-El lost his balance, How the Hell did you get in here?! Supergirl landed a blow on Mon-El landed her boot on his chest crushing him further into the cracking ice Easy, just walked myself in Mon-El reached near his cape and stabbed Supergirl with kryptonite Supergirl took a few steps back as she saw the blood dripping Mon-El grabbed Supergirl and put her in a chokehold Now you're going to die in your home alone Supergirl was starting to lose her vision, a slowly faded black creeping around her eyes, she used her last strength to blast the core, a huge blast shot them in opposite directions, pushing Supergirl in the freezing water, Mon-El knocked out completely from the blast.

Lena arrived at her apartment and quicky jumped in the shower to wash off the stress from work her phone pinged once she was drying off

Lillian: Lex escaped prison

Alex: We need you at the DEO tomorrow at noon

Alex: hey have you heard from Kara?

Lillian: Be prepared for Lex his heading to L-Corp tomorrow

Lena texted Alex back

Lena: Hey Alex I saw Kara at lunch after that no everything okay?

Alex: I hope so she was supposed to meet up for game night

Lena: I'll go check her apartment

Alex: I'm on my way

Lena: Also Lex escaped prison he will be at L-Corp tomorrow can we make sure Supergirl is nearby tomorrow?

Alex: yes

Alex pauses at the Lex part fuck Alex calls Kara's phone but it just goes straight to voicemail this isn't like Kara Alex calls Hank Supergirl is missing Hank sighs over the phone are you sure you want to make the call her phone could be dead Alex grew silent as she presses her watch I'm counting down to 5 if she isn't here soon I'm alerting Hank agreed over the phone and stayed on the line for what seemed like forever Alert was sound off


The DEO blasted all over the comms Lena got the message from Supergirl watch she was given, Lena called Alex What happened? Alex not sure what to say so she just said it Supergirl is missing we are getting Superman alerted so he can help us. Superman landed soaked at DEO holding Supergirl close she's struck the core of the Fortress Alex held her hand over her mouth I heard the alarm from the Fortress I tried to send a message but it didn't go through she doesn't have a heart beat Meanwhile, Lena can hear everything and started racing to get dressed before the line went dead hurried out the door. Alex rushed over the Superman with a stretcher no no no how could this happen she wouldn't just kill herself.. Alex clearly shaken as the other doctors do CPR

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