Harsh Reality

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After Lex was finished punishing Lena for not doing his high school homework, he walked out of the room to rinse off the blood, Lena wasn't sure who to tell about the incidents that always happens between them. Lena was covered up head to toe with clothing to cover up her bruises from Lex's beatings never once will trust a soul. Lena stayed in her bed curled up in a ball after he assaulted her, for the first time she actually felt pain and didn't feel safe or loved anymore she swore when she was done with high school she would never return to this darken life

(Authors note to keep up with the speed of the story i fast forward it to the high school where Lex and Lena attended. Lex was a senior and Lena was a junior)

Lena headed to her locker before the first bell rang and got stopped by her best friend Andrea Rojas lena hi I missed you over the weekend hey are you okay you seem shaken up as Lena couldn't really tell anyone what was happening to her at home because Lillian swore up and down no one will believe her so she stayed quiet I'm fine just did a lot of studying over the weekend for the finals this week Andrea was always concerned for Lena, Andrea kept it a secret but knew about the bruises and such from the locker room change out for p.e. Do you want to come over to my house after school so we can get the project done for science you're the smartest friend I know Lena laughed sure but I'll have to let Lillian know and the driver Andrea smiled and gave Lena a hug which Lena flinched a bit but relaxed realizing it was just Andrea and no one else

Lena- Andrea wants me to come over after school to help with a project

Lillian- fine but be back by 7 no later or else

Lena already knew she was late like before the beatings would get worse she only stood up for herself once towards Lex and instantly regretted and missed two weeks of school for "vacation" as her bruise on her jaw heals. She dreaded going back to the mansion Lionel her father passed away a few years back from cancer or so that is said by Lillian. Lillian has access to all the funds and only gives money to Lex when he bitches and complains about not getting his way. Lex met a new friend online last week his name is Clark Kent his from up town in smallville only 15 mins from where she's at.

Lena gets her things together after her last period, she waited for Andrea to meet her at the front entrance of the school, only to met with Lex hey dumbass you better have my science project done before Friday Lena rolled her eyes knowing it was safe enough to do so with all the students nearby whatever Lex go suck someone else Lex smirk faded into a rage go ahead do it Lena stood firm ready for the impact from Lex but Lex was smart but also stupid at times and slabbed Lena across the face as a teacher was passing by Mr Luthor! Principal office now! Lex shocked but didn't show it fuck you Lena you'll pay for this. Andrea finally met with Lena seeing what happened hey what the hell was that for I hope he gets in the deep shit for that he has always been mean to you Lena didn't really say much but just hoped in Andreas car to her house

Lena loved Andreas home, it had a positive vibe when you walked in, Lillian always feared Lena would tell Andreas parents everything but Lex always did his own doings so Andreas parents were gentle and loving to Lena you know Lena you can always stay with us so you can graduate this year Lena smiled thank you miss Rojas but that's okay, just a few months and I can move to Cambridge Massachusetts Andreas parents were always proud of Lena as she excels through high school, the girls head to Andrea's room with snacks and soda I'm going to miss you next year when you head off the college it's not going to be the same Lena almost teared up I know same here but it'll get me into a career I really want to achieve and make the world better Andrea always had a slight crush on Lena I mean when you look at Lena she has brown/black hair with emerald green/blue eyes and a smile that can light up the room but Andrea never overstepped the boundaries of their friendship you never know Lena you might meet your future husband Lena started to laugh okay okay enough let's just get this project done so I can get Lex's done Andrea paused before responding so you purposely make Lex fail Lena smirked no I'll normally have him make a B

Lena heads back to the mansion that she dreaded every day Lillian was already by the door with a grim look on her face before Lena could walk through the door Lillian was already shouting at Lena you made Lex loose his temper at school now he is suspended Lena had enough of the bullshit it wasn't my fault he hit me I was just making my point before Lena could get anything else out Lillian struck Lena across the face making her lip bleed hush that mouth child you better be happy I'm still honoring Lionel's request to take care of your ass but not for long and oh daddy dearest is paying for your college but keep up the bullshit and I'll make sure you have to work for funding Lena didn't really move but Lillian left the hallway before the maid quickly came over to clean Lena's lip and held her hand and took her towards dinner in the dining room. The maids that lived at the Luthors residence was not allowed to say anything to what they see hear or smell from the NDAs or they would loose their benefits for life.

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