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Kara arrived at Noonan's early to get her favorite snack of the day Sticky Buns, this delicate sweet treat keeps her happy in all the right places Kara Lena hugs Kara gently Kara can smell Lena perfume more than before hey Lena I already ordered Lena grabbed a salad from the fridge of Noonan's and paid for it and her warm green tea I love it here it's so well lit for a small restaurant Kara smiled same and it's down the street from CatCo Lena sat in front of Kara as they discuss their plans before their "date" at Lena's event so Winn is coming still Kara laughed yes he is one of my best friends ever he is the one that made me feel comfortable on my first day Lena felt at ease with the conversation that's good though how's the reporting going Kara had a hard getting use to the new path it's going Snapper isn't easy to work with we don't get along at all and judges every article I write Lena looked at Kara and can see Supergirl in her eyes and her smile the glasses don't help much at all but Lena keeps it to herself I can talk to Snapper we go back from knowing my family Kara was grateful but declined no that's okay I believe it'll work out Lena smiled as it should so thank you for getting Supergirl to see me last night Lena could feel Kara having a hard time adjusting to the new set of conversation no problem deep down Kara didn't want to hide from Lena, she wanted to tell Lena everything but she had to be careful from what everyone else said and if Lena found out Kara scanned her office for kryptonite it'll ruin what is started she wasn't going to help but said she would keep us safe so I'm glad she changed her mind Kara nodded she's good people Lena smirked I hope so if she's going to keep me safe from those men Kara scoffed a laugh yeah I guess you're right.

Lunch ended for both of them it seemed so quick Lena hugged Kara again the warmth embrace Lena misses from Kara from time to time, Kara body temperature is warmer than most humans plus with the sun radiating off of skin she basically is a perfect heater I'll see you later tonight? Kara stuttered a bit yes.. yes we will almost forgetting she has to be both tonight. Kara scrambles to find the perfect dress for the night go with blue it's always your color as Kara find something Alex always reminded her, Winn knocks on the door wow if you are trying to win Lena over you definitely will with that dress Kara slapped Winns head really? Come on let's go.

Lena! as Kara gave Lena a gentle usual hug Lena can smell the wonderful scent Kara used you made it how help yourself to champagne and food Winn walked off to get the champagne and food for himself Kara laughed at Winns expression going for the food Winn is good people Kara slightly touches Lena's hand without thinking and Lena brushed hers back and noticed a spark in Kara's eyes I wonder where Supergirl is knowing that Kara is supergirl but is wondering how she'll pull it off Miss Luthor as Supergirl lands near Lena and walked up towards Lena I'll scope the place out and make sure everyone is safe Lena smiled that you Supergirl I appreciate the offer Kara quickly ran back to Lena Kara you missed Supergirl Kara with a heavy breathing oh shoot that's too bad Lena looked at Kara with a look like what the fuck look and Kara smiled at Lena

Lena grabbed Kara's hand and pulled her inside the empty building I know who you are Kara Kara eyes widen from the shock what what are you talking about Lena put her hand on her head out of frustration and smirked a bit and looked at Kara with hungry eyes and grabbed Kara and kissed her firmly as she slowly pulled away from Kara I knew it was you even from the first rescue Kara finally came too and her eyes became widen even more I.. Lena..
Lena pulled away from Kara's embracing arms your secret is safe with me ...kara they robbers are here as Winn walked into the entrance Kara nodded Lena stay here please as Kara leaves for a brief moment and saved the day with Winns help with the weapons Lillian gave them.

Kara she knows! Alex pacing her apartment Kara this isn't good she can't know who you are it's not safe Kara tried to reason with Alex Lena isn't going to hurt me or anyone of you Alex stopped with frustration her brother and mother can Kara do you not see that if everyone knows who you are it puts everyone in danger Kara heard the alarm from the DEO we have to go come on. What's going on? as Supergirl walked into the command center someone has kidnapped Lena Supergirl has to hold herself together without getting upset we need to find her now! as Supergirl flew off to find Lena her comms going off Supergirl we can't find her Supergirl scans the skies and the darkness is starting to fall upon the city with the lights glistening small sirens in the distance Winn where is she? Winn sighs before responding Supergirl we are looking everywhere for her I'm tracking her cellphone now

She finds out who I am and now she gets kidnapped why does it have to be this way Hank.. can we wipe her mind? Hank hesitated over the comms for everyone's safety, yes, but we have to find her first

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