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Good morning miss Danvers as Lena walked into Noonan's to get her morning coffee before walking to L-Corp Lena hey, how are you doing after the attack yesterday? Lena smiled shyly I'm doing okay have you did you do yesterday for the inside scoop Kara puzzled a bit oh oh that yes it went well Miss Grant is trying to get me to become a reporter I just don't see much in me to peruse it Lena laughed a little well you could've fooled me ill catch you later? Kara smiled in response yeah.. I mean yes I hope so

Lena headed back to L-Corp after a staying up late pinning the two Kara and Supergirl together after mere inches from the two women she's sure they are the same person but didn't want to say or ask anything until she had enough evidence. Why can't I get this to work! as Lena throws her lab coat down trying to get the formula right, her assistant knocks on the door I'm sorry to bug you Miss Luthor but the journalist is back Lena sighed I'll be up there shortly. Lena quickly read the article that was emailed to her by Cat what a scavenging article Mr Kent Clark smiled I'm sorry for doubting you Miss Luthor Lena looked at Kara I didn't see your name on the byline Kara locked eyes with Lena's well like I said before I'm not a reporter Lena said with your gentle smile and warmth in her eyes you could've fooled me I bet Mr Kent can help you on your journey at CatCo Kara smiled Likewise. Clark can see the two women clicking already we should get going Lena Lena looked at Kara I'll see you around? Kara stumbled her words a bit yes of course

Kara and Clark headed back to CatCo I told you she isn't a bad person Clark Clark chuckled just be careful Kara you never know what she's brewing in her lab I have to head back to smallville Lois misses me and I definitely have to get back to Daily Planet before I lose my job and Kara you will find love a romantic love just give it time and everything will balance out Kara smiled and gave Clark a hug and they snuck in an alleyway so he could fly home

Kara heard a knock on her door as Alex was trying to tell her something what is she doing here? Kara opened the door to see Lena I'm sorry for bugging you at a time like this but I.. oh hello I know you Kara stood next to Alex this is my sister Alex Lena firmly shook Alex's hand oh the FBI agent? Alex nodded and smiled yes. Lena hesitated her words I don't need to burden you on your night but I need your help Kara stood with a concerned look I need to speak with Supergirl Alex looked directly at Kara sure I can I can have Alex get ahold of her for you Lena smiled that would be great thank you also for the intrusion where's white wine enjoy ladies as Lena walked out of Kara's apartment Alex and Kara both looked at each other how.. how am I suppose to face Lena she'll recognize me Alex grabbed Kara focus whatever it is is a good thing Kara smiled a bit you were going to tell me something? Alex smiled a bit I.. I met someone today Kara smiled widen in excitement oh? Who is he? Do you have a picture? Alex stood up from the couch to pour the wine in a glass it's a she Kara jumped up from her couch almost pushed it through the wall with her force of excitement oh my gosh! That's amazing! Who is she?! Alex smiled her name is Kelly Olsen Kara hugged her Alex oh I can't wait to meet her Alex sighed in relief that was easier than I thought Kara looked puzzled what do you mean Alex grabbed Kara's hand I just thought you'd be weirded out or something Kara laughed a bit no it's awesome two sisters are gay mom is going to happy for us Alex nervousness kicked in I hope so she always said I'm here to protect you I hope she doesn't think I made you come out too Kara sighed no I came out before you did remember? Alex smiled yeah you did

Kara shaken up a bit nervous to be face to face with Lena but as Supergirl the Supergirl, Kara gently landed on L-Corp balcony as Lena heard her, Lena quickly got up to shake Supergirl hand Miss Luthor Kara Danvers told me you wanted to see me? Lena smiled at awe of the girl of steel in front of her admiring her suit yes I was wondering if I could use you as protection for my fundraiser I'm conducting tomorrow evening Supergirl posed her natural self I see it'll be dangerous we have three gun men on the loose and with this convention they may try to come and hurt you all Lena smiled well that's why I need someone like you to protect everyone including myself Supergirl adjusted her stance you're brave to even run this event I.. I have no other choice but to help keep the peace Lena smiled even more thank you Supergirl it'll mean a lot to my staff and myself Supergirl nodded and smiled I must go I have to keep an eye out for the robbers Lena grabbed Supergirls bicep before she flew off I hope we can work again in the future Supergirl locked eyes with Lena's and could melt easily with Lena's emerald green eyes likewise as Lena gently released Supergirl arm. Fuck is all Supergirl could think of mumbling under her breath even though Lena heard it, Lena just smiled as Supergirl flew off.

Kara Kara quickly turned around to see Lena at CatCo hey Lena as Kara gave Lena a hug are you looking for Miss Grant? Lena hesitated no no.. no I'm actually here to see you Kara looked confused oh? Everything okay? Lena smirked a bit everything is fine but I was wondering if you could come with me to my event tonight? Winn was standing beside Kara with his mouth open in shock, Kara can feel Winn staring and bumped him a bit it'll be an honor Lena smiled ear to ear less anxious this time than previously awesome I'll see you tonight Winn can come too if you like Kara smiled yes Winn would love to come and meet everyone from L-Corp Winn smiled I'll be glad to come suit and tie Kara instantly regretted the small joke Winn said embarrassed a bit. Lena hey before Lena could walk into the elevator Yeah Kara could feel the anxiety kicking in why don't we get lunch before you head back to L-Corp Lena smiled as last night sure that would be lovely Kara almost melted again seeing Lena's eyes glow differently this time

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