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Lex Luthor Suit Engaged as Lena powers the suit to cover Supergirl until she heals from her injuries okay the suit is done and ready to be used Alex nodded and couldn't keep an eye off her unresponsive sister Lena put the device above her chest as its engaged by a small button on the side Pray this works as the suit imbodies Supergirl, suddenly felt her headache come back she is taken back by her new vision from yesterday that she isn't sure what's real or just imagination Supergirl is laying on the stretcher with battle wounds from her fighting Lena grabs her hand and felt like Kara's for a split second the softness, Lena sees the scar on Supergirl's forehead from the blast of krypton just as Kara's, Lena steps back shaken as Alex reaches Lena she'll be okay I promise the DEO is doing everything they can Lena nods her head with a small smile I have to head back keep me posted? Alex hugged Lena Always

Lena calls Nia from CatCo Can we meet up? Nia can hear Lena voice is concerned Yeah I'll be there in five minutes Nia arrived at Lena apartment and knocks on the door lightly, Lena opens up the door with fresh tears forming down her face Lena what's going on? Lena just walked back to her couch with scotch in her hand I think something is wrong with me Nia shook her head that's impossible you're the smartest person I know Lena made eye contact with Nia or I'm just fucking stupid Nia looked confused what.. what are you talking about? Lena pour another glass of scotch I think Kara is Supergirl Nia spit up her coffee what? how? Lena just shrugged her shoulders I'm starting to see things like visions foggy ones Nia just nodded letting Lena finish I'm just hurt like why lie to me... why hide who she's like I already knew I think something happened when I went to the DEO when Hank was talking to me after my attack Nia just sipped on her coffee and texted Alex

Nia: Lena has figured out Kara's secret

Alex: shit... okay everyone breathe please

Nia: I'm breathing but I'm sure this is Lena's like fourth shot

Alex: fuck.. I'm going to talk too Hank

Alex rushed to the control room Hank we have a problem Lena is starting to remember Hank sighed I told you it can happen Alex stern her voice Well she's fucking pissed Hank and has created a suit that could hurt Kara by one button Hank walked towards Alex It wont happen like that give Lena time

Lena chugged another shot and poured her scotch down the drained and threw the shot glass at the wall and screamed out of frustration why is my sister in so much agony Lex approached around the corner eyeing a sleeping Nia on Lena's couch I'm surprised she didn't hear you is she usually a heavy sleeper? Lena furious at seeing Lex How the fuck did you get into my apartment Lex smiled I have my ways sis Lena rolled her eyes Fuck you Lex you can go the way you came in Lex reached for the scotch bottle before I go Lex quickly grabbed Lena in a chokehold and held a device in his hand before stabbing it in her neck Now you're controlled by me

Nia woke up to a quiet apartment realizing she fell asleep at Lena's with the sun creeping in wow she has a nice view Lena was making tea would you like some? Nia jumped fuck Lena you scared me.. sure thank you Lena handed Nia a cup of tea as the steam was forming in the air from the heat, Lena sat down across from Nia what are your plans for today? Nia asks while enjoying her warm tea I have to get some things done at L-Corp and then go check up on Supergirl Nia nodded Yeah oh thank you for letting me stay the night I didn't mean to crash Lena smiled nonsense I wouldn't let a young woman like you go home in the dark like that you never know what's lurking Nia smiled a bit not sure how to respond may I use your guest bathroom to freshen up? Lena smirked Be my guess no pun intended Nia laughed at that one.

Alex stays in the bed next to Kara holding her hand snoring softly, Kara opened her eyes seeing the lights shining down where am I? Alex jumped up from her sleep and rushed to Kara Superman brought you here.. he found you in the ocean near the fortress Kara tried to move but her body is refusing to budge no no Lena has you in a special suit to let your wounds fully heal Kara grew frustrated I'm pretty sure I'm healed Alex held her sister back from trying to get up the rods are in place with Nth metal Kara grew impatient and her eyes started to glow Kara calm down Kara pushed Alex aside before she killed her sister with the blast of a million suns the rods bent but never broke from the heat as Kara forced the suit off. Lena walked in Supergirl what are you doing stop..please Supergirl looked at Lena with so much anger behind her eyes the rage within I have to find him.. I have to kill him Lena tried to go towards Supergirl but Supergirl wouldn't allow it Kill Supergirl that's a word that has never escaped from your lips before what happened at the fortress Supergirl couldn't calm down from her rage and tore the suit she had on underneath and plated suit from Lena Supergirl stood there half naked Lena eyes widen and mouth dropped to the floor in shock my suit.. Supergirl, Supergirl flew off with just the bottom half of herself still on into the skies

Mon-El landed on the streets of National City looking ragged from the blast SUPERGIRL WHERE ARE YOU?! Supergirl landed with a loose hoodie over with her skirt barely seen from underneath the hoodie Im right here asshole Mon-El smiled new look it suits you well Supergirl went to go charge after Mon-El but was met with another kryptonite knife below her ribs feeling the air was knocked out from her as blood poured from her mouth Mon-El knelled down to whisper I told you I'm going to kill you Mon-El was hit by bullets that pierced right through him causing an allergic shock Alex rushed to Supergirl holding her in her arms stay with me fuck we need Lena now Supergirl looked up at her sister it'll be okay I'll be fine just a sunlamp will do as Supergirl laughed a bit to ease the tension

Supergirl wakes up from the sunlamps being on her looking around the room to see Lena is leaned up against the table Alex went to go get coffee Supergirl raised herself up as Lena unfolded her arms and walked towards her I know who you are Supergirl looked at Lena what.. I don't understand Lena grew pissed Supergirl can smell the scotch from her breath don't fucking play with me Kara Supergirl froze in silence it.. it didn't work Lena grew impatient what do you mean it didn't work Kara what the fuck did you do to me? Kara looked up When you first knew hesitation set in fucking speak Kara Kara just looked into her eyes I had Hank wipe your mind only to protect you.. Lena scoffed protect me yeah what a fucking pity party for me I don't need protection and I sure as hell don't need it from you! Kara can feel the tension in the room I understand if you are mad at me but I thought I was doing the right thing Lena finally squared up on Kara as Kara fighting instincts kick in what are you going to hit me? Kara shook her head no never Lena I would never hurt you Lena didn't move we are done Kara can see Lena's eye changed from the bright bubbly to the darkest green she has ever seen

Lena got into her car and started putting the keys in the ignition before feeling a sting in her neck welcome home sis Supergirl will not see this coming as Lex presses a button to activate the niobites, Lena's eyes shifted to tech red and her frame stiffen

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