Chapter One

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"Miss. Y/n."

You jolt in surprise to find your college potions professor suddenly looming over you with a glare reserved especially for you. You meet his eyes and your heart thumps at the sense that he can see you–really see you. Past the politeness and the facade you live behind, and you feel strangely aroused by this feeling of exposure. Your cheeks turn red at the realization that he spoke to you, but you have no idea what he said because you were lost in those dark, intriguing eyes. The whole class has fallen silent, watching the exchange, leaving nothing but the ambient sound of boiling cauldrons. "I'm sorry, Professor...what did you say?" Snape wears a look of irritation and impatiently snaps, "Are you aware that the contents of your cauldron have been boiling over and spilled all over Mr. Jeffrey's person?" You glance to your right at your classmate that you've been partnered with this semester. A look of horror flashes across your face as you realize that in fact, your lab partner has swollen to three times his normal size. Jeffreys was taking notes on the potion's qualities while you were supposed to be...what was it again?

Oh. Keeping the temperature at exactly 97°C, just below boiling. You glance apologetically at your professor and mutter, " least we know the Swelling Solution was brewed correctly...?"

Snape's eyes narrow in annoyance with you as he leans forward, his hands supporting him across the desk. Within inches of your face he sneers, "Do not. patience," his iconic deep tone filling the space between you. Your mouth opens to respond but you freeze as his eyes glance down to your lips. "You will stay after class to brew a Deflating Draught for your classmate. Mr. McClaggin, please accompany Mr. Jeffreys to Madam Pomfrey in the meantime."

Then as if nothing happened, he returns to his classroom lecture of proper brewing techniques while your insides quiver at what just transpired. You try to shake off whatever it was you just felt and go back to your brewing, much more alert this time.

I've got to stop daydreaming...I can't fail this class, or risk detention with Snape. How terrifying to be stuck in the dungeon with him commanding me around. Telling me to organize dusty bookshelves and sweep the floor...perhaps forcing me to take all kinds of awful potions just to see me squirm. Those black eyes baring into my soul...

Your breathing quickens and you realize you've been twirling your hair with your finger and biting your bottom lip, completely lost in thought once again. You glance up to find your potions master watching you intensely. You sit up straight. How long has he been watching me? He smirks at you, returning to his parchment. 

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