Chapter Twenty-Nine

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          All throughout dinner, you struggle to focus on the conversations happening around you, repeatedly forcing your lingering gaze away from Professor Snape each time you catch yourself staring...again.

          You focus on your plate, trying not to give yourself away, but you quickly find yourself deeply distracted by a scene developing in your mind. You see yourself lying on your back on the chaise in his office again, his naked body looming over you. His hand slides over his manhood, gently stroking as his eyes hungrily take in your form, then peer into your very depths.

          "Touch yourself."

          "Are you alright, Y/n?" Your face is flushed as you reenter the stratosphere and quickly realize you were breathing a bit heavily. "What? Yes. Sorry, what?"

          "Always in another world," Angel laughs, "I was just asking; will you and Peter spend Christmas break together?" "I, erm. I'm not quite sure actually," you swallow hard, trying to catch your breath. "We'll have to discuss our plans soon," you respond, still trying to calm your racing heart.

          You can't help sneaking another look at the Professor but as you look at him, you see his dark eyes already watching you. He holds your gaze and smirks cunningly, making your heart thump.

          The following day you sit at your desk in class, almost giddy with anticipation to see Professor Snape. When he enters the room, your eyes follow his form as he makes his way to the front of the class. You melt when he begins lecturing in that deep, eloquent voice. Turning your textbook to the page he instructed, your eyes skim over the words. You read the text many times over but find yourself unable to absorb the information as your imagination begins to run wild.

          In your mind, Snape stands behind you, his hands reaching around to your front and his breath tickling just below your ear. One hand rests against your stomach, clutching you to him. His other large hand slides up your delicate, exposed neck, lightly grasping it. You shudder at the thought that he could easily break it or choke you, and yet you feel safe.

         Two fingers and his thumb grasp your jaw, bringing your face around and tilting it upward. His lips meet yours, his tongue blazing through and tasting you. He holds you in this passionate kiss, his opposite hand snaking further and further down, slipping beneath the seam of your skirt.

         His hand slithers over your mons, his fingers finally nearing your aching, throbbing––

          You feel your hips ever so lightly beginning to sway and immediately stop yourself when you realize where you are. You shudder, trying to focus on your textbook again. You look around, to see if anyone noticed your...distraction. No one's staring at you like you were about to hump your desk bench so your eyes drop back to your work. You take off your sweater despite the chill of the dungeon, suddenly feeling quite warm.

          This is getting out of hand, I need to be fucked.

          After class is dismissed, you scan Professor Snape, wondering how you might approach him for sex. "Hey, wanna fuck me in your dungeon real fast?"

          You pack your books and look up, but he's nowhere to be seen. Confused and slightly disappointed, you leave the classroom to return to your dorm. Before you can climb the staircase, a large hand grabs you, covering your mouth and pulls you into the dark potions store room. The door shuts, shrouding you in darkness and stillness. He removes his hand from your mouth and you gasp your surprise. His warm body stands behind you, his hands holding your upper arms on either side. He moves closer, pressing your back almost to his chest, his mouth so close to your ear. "What were you thinking about in class, Miss Y/n?" His deep bass utters softly, interrupting the stillness.

          "I...nothing, Professor. Just studying the textbook." He tightens his grip on your arms. "Don't. me," he hisses menacingly. "I saw your little motions in my control yourself," his lips spell out his words in a staccato pattern and your middle pools at his aggressive tone. "I was just a daydream." "Of?" he asks softly. "" His lips lightly brush your ear as he gently pulls you into him, your back now against his chest.

         His hands graze down the sides of your arms, slipping underneath them and holding your waist.

          " were um." His hands reach around you and you inhale unsteadily when you feel his growing arousal pressing against your bum. One hand rests just below the swell of your breast, the other sliding downward as his breath in your ear makes you tremble.

          "Tell me..." his timbre vibrates against you. His hand moves further down, his palm finally resting below your bellybutton, the heat of his hand warming through your skirt.

          "We were like this," you answer breathlessly, your head leaning back against his shoulder. "Mmh, like this?" He asks as his other hand takes hold of your neck. "Yes, Professor..." you sigh as a flood of wetness rushes to your center. "What else?" he asks, his lips gently grazing behind your ear, his nose nuzzling it.

          "We kissed," you say quietly. He slides his hand further up your neck, grasping your jaw and turning your lips to his. He kisses you softly, your skin tingling with arousal. He deepens the kiss and you moan against it, making him tighten his grip on your body.

          "Is that all?" he asks, his lips gently kissing your neck.

          "You were...touching me." "Touching you..." his lower hand slides further down, tauntingly, "...where?"

          "On my...on..." your voice trails, still shy of saying such words aloud.

          "Here?" he asks, his hand slipping lower, stopping at your waistband. "Further..." you breathe, hopelessly aroused. He slips his fingers beneath the seam, sliding over your silky panties. "And what about here?" " touched my. My..."

           "Your exquisite, throbbing...pussy..." You struggle to breathe, swallowing hard and steadying yourself. You feel him smirking behind you as a rush of wetness soaks your underwear. "Y...yes, Professor." "Perhaps I should take care of your...distraction. Since, after all, you have become so worked up because of it that you are unable to pay attention in my class," he drawls patronizingly.

          His finger slides lower, over your mons, and finally over your slit. He moves his knee between your legs, forcing you open slightly. He slowly moves the seam of your underwear aside, stroking the skin between there and your thigh, just inches from your entrance. He teases you with little strokes along the space until you whine, "Please, Professor..."

          "Since you asked so nicely..."

          His finger finally pushes your panties aside and finds your aching slit and a deep growl emits from his chest.

          "Always such an eager little girl..." he says huskily when he feels your wetness.

          He gently slips the tip of his finger in and out, in and out, gradually slipping further in. He grips your jaw and kisses it, then softly bites along it. His thumb finds your clit as he slips in and out of you and you gasp at the sensation. His opposite hand slides down and searches for entry beneath your shirt. He finds it and slides his hand up underneath your bra, cupping your breast, squeezing it and moaning deeply into your neck.

          You feel your head grow light, the pool between your legs now coating Snape's hand. Your breathing becomes rapid, your chest heaving against his grip on your breast, and his fingers lightly pinch your nipples. You try to quiet your gasps, your pleasure mounting. Severus moans quietly, "Oh, Y/n..." he abruptly removes his fingers from you, you stifle a scream.

          "Remember, only good girls get to come. And you have been very bad..."

          He slides his hand from your breast, his fingertips grazing the bare skin of your stomach. "Now..." You try to right yourself, your legs still trembling. You hear his deep voice come close in the dark, "Come to my office when you decide you want to be a good girl..."

          You feel his perfect lips press softly against your cheek before you are left alone in the storeroom. 

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