Chapter Fourteen

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           Like a lion cornering its prey but wanting to play with it first before devouring it, Professor Snape ogles your bare chest, taking in the sight of you as you squirm under his scrutiny.

          Bare, vulnerable, seen.

          The tip of his tongue wets his lips, and your hips buckle in response to his stare. "Tut-tut. Please do try to contain yourself, Miss Y/n," he says as he circles behind you, lightly dragging his finger across your bare shoulders. You involuntarily let out the smallest whimper at his touch, biting down on your bottom lip. There's an almost unheard guttural response behind you, erupting from Snape's chest. He whirls around in front of you, his eyes hooded and dark. He unbuttons his long coat and removes it, uncovering a white collared linen shirt that drapes gracefully over his wide shoulders.

          Rolling up his sleeves and revealing the contrasting dark mark on his pale forearm, he begins, "You know, it's rather frowned upon to please oneself in a common area such as the Observation Tower..." You blush in embarrassment, " did you know about that?" you gasp mortified. "You only thought you were alone. I have made a habit of lingering there in the evenings..." You at once remember the scent you caught in the air, realizing it was him. "Although I must admit it was quite entertaining to hear my name on your naughty little tongue as you came..." his dark eyes gleam at you as you steel yourself.

          His eyes wander from your lips down your exposed neck. Without warning, he moves forward, grabbing a fistful of your hair, forcing your head back, causing you to gasp softly. "First however, you should be punished for tempting me in the classroom and making me dismiss class early. Such a naughty girl..." With his free hand, he gently strokes away a fallen lock from your forehead, and he gazes down softly at your features as his knuckles gently brush your cheek. Your heart thumps as he reaches down to his trousers, unfastening them. The hardness returns to his sharp eyes as they narrow on yours, "Because you insist on causing such a disruption, I'm afraid I'll need to show you what your dirty little mind couldn't stop conjuring images of," and he draws out his substantial throbbing member. Your eyes widen as you realize why it would be a difficult thing to conceal in front of a classroom, his thumb gliding across the glistening beads forming at its tip.

          He gathers the sticky substance on his thumb, bringing it to your lips. "Suck," he commands huskily. You take his thumb in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it and sucking, tasting him. His eyes darken as he gently tugs open your mouth. "Open up for me..." he purrs in a low, animalistic voice and you instantly obey.

          He slips his throbbing manhood into your hungry mouth, his hand returning to your hair, and waves of pleasure envelop you when you taste him. You suck lightly, trying to swirl your tongue around his girth as you moan against it. A deep rumble emits from his chest as you lean forward on your knees, arms fastened behind you, eagerly sucking and licking, both his hands in your hair now, guiding your mouth over his cock. He looks down at you, "You think this is what you want?" He thrusts deeper into your mouth making you gag against his length. "Isn't this what you've been begging for?" You gasp for air but you want to please him, so you take as much of him down your throat as you can. His pace quickens and your eyes water as you choke on him.

          Suddenly he grabs your upper arm, pulling you to your feet. He twirls you around, standing behind you and pressing his chest to your back, his large hand firmly grasping both your bound wrists in it, his knuckles brushing against your backside. You feel his hardness pressing into your back as he raises his hand, lightly tracing your arm, moving up your shoulder with his fingertips. He slides his hand over your throat, lightly grasping it as you feel the other slipping around your waist. You hold your breath, your body shivering against his touch. He lightly draws his hand up, resting it at your ribs, just below the underside of your silky breast. His warm breath dancing on the skin of your neck, you ache in longing and lightly grind your hips against him. He clicks his tongue in disapproval and moves his middle just beyond your reach. "Now, now...good girls have to wait their turn," he whispers tauntingly in your ear.

          He nuzzles his nose against it, taking your lobe between his teeth and nibbling it lightly. His teeth graze your soft skin and you feel his warm, wet lips tasting you. His hand slowly slides upward and over your breast, cupping it and taking your nipple between his fingers, lightly tugging. You let out a quiet moan. He kisses down your neck, his lips reaching your shoulders then making their way back up to your ear. "Be good for me...can you do that?" his raspy voice mutters in your ear. You feel your wetness dripping down your thigh, squeezing your legs together in an attempt to stop it. "Y...yes..." "Yes...what?" he hisses in your ear, his grip tightening on you. "...yes, Professor..." he chuckles wickedly.

          "Good girl..."

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