Chapter Thirty-Nine

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          You steady yourself, clinging to the bottom of the chair. "P...Professor, perhaps we should––" he flicks his hand and ropes bind your wrists behind the chair, keeping you from moving. Your heart pounds as he steps close and straddles you on the chair, nearly sitting on your lap, "You know..." his dark eyes lift from your lips to your eyes, penetrating you. "I don't think I want to give you a choice in the matter..." He suddenly kisses you aggressively, his whole body pressing against yours, the force of his kiss making you dizzy with arousal.

          He runs his hand through your hair, pulling your head back from his lips, "Though I think I know what you would choose," his eyes drop to your lips and down to your neck. His lips gently kiss your neck, gliding over your skin. You whimper at his touch and he breathes roughly, his eyes closing with arousal. "Tell me, you want me to stop?" His hands glide up your sides to under your arms, his thumbs stroking your nipples through your shirt. "I...I..." You can't seem to speak. "Do you want..." he plants a trail of little kisses across your cheek, leading to your mouth, " stop?"

          He looks earnestly into your eyes. Your eyes squeeze shut for a moment, searching for any ounce of self-control that might linger within you.

          "No, Professor...I don't want you to stop..." You whimper softly. With that he smirks and his hand pulls your head back into his kiss, his tongue delving into your mouth passionately. Your wetness pools at your middle, making you feel warm and excited. His hand reaches up your skirt and aggressively yanks off your panties, leaving you bare. His fingers lightly draw between your thighs, making you shiver, your legs automatically opening to him. He chuckles at your enthusiasm. He comes within an inch of your wet quim before his fingers cease their movement, instead drawing little circles on your skin on your thigh. "Please...Professor..." you whimper at the nearness, the tease.

          "Does my greedy little girl want more?" he mutters lowly in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. "Y...yes," He chuckles, "Well then Darling, I'm afraid you're going to have to learn to ask..." You squirm in frustration, "Please!" "Please...what? I'm not sure I know what you're referring to," he smirks. "I want you to...please."

          He leans in, inches from your lips, "Please...what?" You inhale sharply, "Please touch me...please Professor...please take my body and do what you want with me!" You moan and he gives you a devilish smirk, "My...pleasure..."

          His finger slides softly into your aching, wet pussy, just barely stroking the inside, making you moan a bit louder. He places his finger over your lips gently, "Shhh..." You squirm against his touch, trying to send him deeper inside of you but your restraints do not allow it. You whimper desperately at the frustrating denial, your hips buckling for him. He chuckles softly at your desperation and slips his finger slowly and very lightly over your clit, sending the tiniest little wave of pleasure through your body.

          "Please...I want more Professor," you whine. He smirks at you, his eyes gleaming with mischief, his deep voice rumbles lowly in your ear, "Oh, but I'm having so much fun teasing you...I really do enjoy denying you pleasure until I decide you may experience it." He draws back and looks into your eyes, their hunger making your insides quake. Your lips part in response, and those black eyes immediately catch the movement.

          "But I think you enjoy that too, don't you?" He asks in a quiet, husky voice.

          You swallow hard and nod, your mind buzzing with anticipation. He smirks in smug cockiness. His finger continues its agonizing arousal and denial, your breath hitching in your throat. Suddenly there's a knock at the door.

          Snape's eyes flash up. He was so distracted he didn't even sense Professor McGonagall approaching. He quickly casts an invisibility charm over you, hiding your discarded panties in a flurry of his wand.

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