Chapter Twenty-One

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          You struggle to pay attention to your studies the next day, daydreaming your way through transfiguration class, your mind wandering to the prior evening you had with Profes–with Severus. You hold in a squeal of delight and find yourself reading the same sentence in your textbook over and over again, still not retaining the words on the page. You look out the window, the October sun making its way lower in the sky, nighttime approaching. The other students are also having a difficult time paying attention because of the widespread anticipation for the Harvest Ball that evening. You feel less worried now about the event, knowing he will be there.

          When the last class of the day is finally dismissed, the hum of students getting ready for and discussing the dance fills the halls. The Great Hall has already been prepared, the long tables moved and spooky decorations hung. Jack-o-lanterns large enough for three men to fit inside are filled with lanterns, ghosts and bats hover overhead preparing to swoop down on unsuspecting couples on the dance floor. Dancing skeletons and candelabras line the walls creating a dark, warm ambiance.

          You wander outdoors and breathe in the crisp autumn air. You stroll to the lake for a spell, taking a moment to yourself to collect your thoughts and get the space necessary to process your night with Severus. You lean over the rails, seeing your reflection in the dark water. How long can this go on? you wonder. Is it truly wrong just because it's forbidden? A red maple leaf drifts in the wind, gently falling on your reflection, its ripples traveling outward over the shiny surface. The striking colors of the Forbidden Forest glow warmly, oranges, yellows and reds decorating its noble ancient trees. Have I ever felt this way before, in my entire life?


          A silly smile broadens across your face as you remember how tenderly he bathed roughly he fucked you. You let out a sigh and decide you don't care about the rules because the feelings of freedom, empowerment and ecstasy are worth breaking them for. He is worth breaking them for. After all, he's breaking them for you, and the stakes are much higher for him as a professor.

          Am I worth the risk he's taking?

          You return to the castle, the halls now mostly empty as all the students are in their dorms getting ready. You make your way to the top of Ravenclaw Tower and enter your dorm, the other girls styling their hair and makeup. "Y/n! Where have you been? We need to do get your hair and makeup done if we're going to get you laid tonight," Angel winks. "Right...yes." She may not be wrong about that after all...

          Jemma does your makeup while Angel and Georgia curl your hair, pinning it a half-updo with a braid. You change into your black silk panties and strapless lace bra and pull your dress from your closet, laying it on your bed. Suddenly nervous, you wonder, Will he like it? Will he like me in it?

          "What happened there?" Angel asks concerned, her eyes narrowing at your middle. You glance down to see what she's looking at, your eyes widening in horror as you see the mark Professor Snape left on your hip, now ripe and purple. "Oh! I–I uh, ran into my desk and the corner of it hit me just right," you hurriedly exhale. "Wow, you must bruise easily," she responds, turning back to her pink gown draped over her bed, a shriek of excitement escaping her lips.

          You know your lie sucked, but luckily Angel's too distracted to notice. Suddenly feeling exposed, you quickly slip on your own gown and face the mirror, the dark shades of purple perfectly contrasting against your eyes and hair. The makeup Jemma applied highlights your features, your lips soft and plump, your eyes shaped and lashes long, your shoulders and décolletage bare. You feel...beautiful?

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