Chapter Forty-Eight

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          The next day you find Peter in the Hufflepuff common room. You stand timidly in the doorway and glance at him as several pairs of eyes watch you silently. He nods at you and hops up, smiling politely to the watchful faces before stepping out into the hall.

          "Hey, what's up?" he whispers. Your eyes look around to make sure you're alone. "I talked to Severus about your plan. He thinks it would be a good idea. And..." You smirk mischievously, making him arch his brow suspiciously, "What is it? What have you done?" He laughs. "Well, I found out something detrimental about Angel's dad, and...I think I might be able to cut this off at its source."

          Peter's eyes widen and he scoffs in delight and amusement, "Y/n, you crafty girl...alright, so then spill it. What'd you find out?"

          You fill him in on the scandal of the Baker family, the money they paid to cover it up, and the corruption of a few officials at the Ministry in allowing him to hide the impropriety for so many years. "Bloody hell, Y/n...that oughta shut her up," he winks deviously. "Indeed," you smirk.

          You hope both strategies combined are enough to alleviate some of the negative attention. You head down the spiral stairs to Potions class, a faint smile on your face at the anticipation of seeing Severus when as if on cue you hear a smug voice, "Y/n, you dropped something!" Angel and a few different girls you don't recognize are jeering at you, one of them pretending to stoop and pick up a book and read something salacious.

          "Where's your regular posse?" You ask, ignoring their jabs. Angel's face hardens and her jaw sets, her eyes spiteful. "Off to see your boyfriend, Slytherus Snape?" So you're still not convinced...Your eyes narrow on her a moment, giving her a curious, appraising look. You emulate Severus's cool demeanor and step closer, slowly and confidently, the way you've watched him handle stressful situations so many times before.

          Well, as long as those situations don't involve you.

          Your voice is calm and clear when you speak, deceptively void of the anxiety you feel, "You know, sometimes I think about what a privilege it must be to know that you come from a long line of wizards, both your parents being adept at magic..." You pause and your eyes glisten shrewdly, "...and such good people, too! The Baker name is so pure and free of must make you so proud to think of what a great family you come from."

          The girls on either side of Angel wear confused expressions but there's only one you care to see, and right now it's turning red and wearing a somewhat horrified look. That got your attention.

          "It truly is mind-blowing when you consider how easy it is to ruin someone's reputation with some ill-gotten...information..." Your head cocks to the side and you look up thoughtfully, feigning ignorance. Your eyes dart back to hers and you step a bit closer and cross your arms, uncomfortably close.

          "I would think if someone knew some ill-gotten information about me, I should be careful...not to...provoke them." Your eyes penetrate her a moment before you smile slyly and turn to leave. "What is she talking about, Angel?" "Nothing! I, I don't know. She's a freak, who knows..." You hear them follow Angel up the staircase as she storms off, a pleased smirk on your face.

          You step over the threshold into class and see Severus leaning against his desk, arms crossed and wearing a proud grin, his eyes devilish and raking down your form subtly as the rest of the students file in. He stands and addresses the class and begins today's lesson about the Liondragon, also known as the Chinese Fireball.

          "In the 15th century, Chinese dragonologist Quong Po discovered the many uses of the powdered egg of the Fireball. Trading Fireball eggs was an exceedingly lucrative business due to its usefulness in potions for luck, fertility, love and healing." He pauses, pacing slowly before the class, and your eyes wander up his dark, brooding frame.

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