Chapter Thirty-Six

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          The next morning you feel Severus's lips on yours, gently waking you for Christmas morning. Your eyes open, taking in those handsome features. Your heart swells with happiness. I could get used to this.

          "Come," he stands, extending his hand to yours. You rise, the sheets falling off your bare body and you quickly lift your arm to cover yourself before he catches it in his hand and pulls your body against his. "You silly girl...why are you trying to hide from me?" "I...I guess I'm still a bit shy, Professor," you reply in a small voice. "You have nothing to be shy of. I enjoy every inch of your...delectable body," he drawls, his lips kissing your neck, down your chest and taking one breast into his mouth and sucking. You sigh in pleasure, leaning back into his arms, heat rushing to your middle, his hardness pressing against you. He suddenly withdraws and stands you upright, "Breakfast," he says firmly, a smirk on his face at your disappointment at the loss of his touch.

         You dress quickly as Severus returns to the kitchen, slipping your bustier on under your shirt, fastening your stockings to your lacy underwear set and pulling your skirt over, concealing the secret underneath.

          You drink coffee and eat a massive cinnamon roll and scrambled eggs on the side that Severus made at your request. He did say he could make anything and Merlin, he was right. Your eyes close at each mouth-watering bite of the sweet, cinnamony goodness melting on your tongue, pleased moans escaping you. "You're sure you didn't use magic to make this?" you ask dubiously. "You don't believe I could make this without it?" he asks, mocking indignity. "You watched me cook our dinner last night––wandless," "Well, we both know there are other types of magic you can do...wandless..." your voice trails suggestively. He smirks, "This magic-less recipe is nothing I can't teach you...if you'd like," his eyes twinkle at you, making you blush and smile at the notion of being taught one-on-one by him.

          Your eyes notice to a tiny box under the tree in black wrapping paper with a purple bow. The colors remind you of the gown you wore the night of the Harvest Ball...and the subsequent unwrapping of it. You lick your lips at the memory, "Quite an eager little girl this morning, aren't you?" he asks languidly, his dark eyes on your face. Your eyes widen in a blank stare until he says, "Eager to open your gift?" You exhale, "Oh, yes. Well, and to give you yours," you smile timidly.

          He stands and looks down at you, "Shall we?" extending his hand to yours, leading you to the sofa. He brings the small box to you and you hand him his. You begin tearing the wrapping off and you gasp as you open the tiny box, "'s beautiful," lifting a silver chained necklace with a gorgeous sapphire amulet.

          "It is charmed," he says in his deep voice that makes you shiver. "You need only say, 'gaudium meum' and look inside." You quietly utter the incantation and you see an image come into view at the center of the amulet. Severus holding you in his arms, the world around you quiet and still. You feel the sensations of that moment in your body, in your heart, as if he were holding you now. "It will show you your joy, whatever that may be."

          Your eyes well with tears as you think of how many times you will use this in the coming months and you blink them back, "Thank you, Severus...this is an excellent gift," you say through a strained voice. "Now yours," you smile, handing him his gift. He unwraps the rectangular box and opens it, the quill sliding into his large hand. He smiles widely and a little chuckle escapes his lips, "Y/n...this is magnificent," he says, observing the colors of the quill, the patterns on the feather. "It's also charmed," you say with a smile, blushing at his praise of the gift. His brow arches. "It is meant to inspire while you write. You will always find the words you mean and never be at a loss while using it," his eyes flick up to yours, "Thank you, Y/'s remarkable."

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