Chapter Seventeen

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"Seastorm!" Hare shrieked as Seastorm collapsed. She grabbed the hybrid's arms. Majestic dashed in to help.

"What did you do to her, Blossom?" Hare yelled, spitting mad. Seastorm was groaning and holding her head.

Blossom merely responded, "Nothing."

"Hare," Seastorm asked, "It doesn't hurt anymore. You don't need to be mad at Blossom anymore."

As Seastorm had opened her mouth to talk, Majestic gasped, "Your teeth!"

Seastorm's front fangs had grown in length a little bit, and had grown sharper.

"What in the fire-blasted moons?" Seastorm ran her tongue over her new "fangs".

"I enchanted the bracelet to give the wearer venom-spitting fangs." Blossom responded cooly.

Majestic asked, a bit of fury in her voice, "Are you an animus? Why didn't you tell me?"

Blossom snarled, "Yes, and 'I'm an animus!' isn't usually the first thing I tell dragons, or my previous targets."

Seastorm asked, "How do I use these?"

She's no doubt disarming the argument between me and Majestic. Maybe I'll let her feeble attempts at doing so "stop the fight".

Blossom said, "Open your mouth as far open as you can." She would not give away any of her inner thoughts, not to these fish-dung moons-blasted dragons.

Seastorm obeyed, and her mouth unhinged.

Hare shrieked, "What the walruses?!"

Obsidian drops sprayed from Seastorm's mouth, and got Blossom's leg. Searing pain shot through her leg. Blossom shrieked with surprise.

"What was that?!" Hare asked.

Blossom roared, "Enchant the venom sprayed on Blossom of the RainWings and SeaWings to disappear!"

This felt like what Blossom had felt when the bananas had touched her, only multiplied four times. The pain slowly flared from a searing fire of pain to a few embers of pain. Blossom was panting. Everyone's eyes were wide. Seastorm closed her mouth with a snapping sound.

"I-I'm so s-sorry!" The chalcedony SeaWing hybrid covered her mouth, her eyes wide.

Blossom shook her head.

"It's okay. I wouldn't expect a neophyte like you to understand how to shoot venom."

Seastorm nodded, her eyes still wide with pity.

I don't need your pity, fish-face.

"Majestic, you're a SilkWing-RainWing hybrid, right?" Blossom asked, masking her face expressionless.

The rhodonite hybrid nodded.

"Can you shoot venom?"

"Yes. I can camouflage and spit venom, like a RainWing, and shoot flamesilk and normal silk like a SilkWing."

Majestic clearly didn't want to say the fact that she had mind control out loud.

Hare doesn't know, and I'm not sure if Seastorm knows or remembers.

Blossom asked, "Do you know how to spit the venom?"

Majestic nodded, "Two years of living by myself has sharpened my powers. I've learned to do all of them cleanly."

What are you hiding, Majestic? Do you have any secret powers that we don't know?

Blossom asked, "Just curious, but why were you by the Ice Kingdom?"

Majestic blinked, a faraway look coming into her eyes. "I-I felt like I should've. That something important was there."

Blossom frowned.

This SilkWing-RainWing hybrid isn't a seer, right? Unless she is a bit NightWing....which she isn't. Right?

Blossom didn't seem convinced. The zircon RainWing hybrid shook her head. "Hey, shouldn't we get going to the Sea Kingdom?"

"Oh, right!" Seastorm was the first in the air, surprisingly. "Race you all!"

Blossom grinned smugly. This hybrid had no idea what she had gotten herself into. Blossom closed her eyes, and shot after Seastorm, who was in the lead. Blossom shot past her. Seastorm's astonished face was only a blue blur. Blossom shot past, Seastorm on her heels, Majestic behind her, and Hare taking up the rear. They were a line of white, blue, pink, and lavender. Blossom flew over the gray-and-white blurs of the Sky Kingdom below.

Seastorm spoke, her voice dragged by the wind, "Can we stop to get food?"

"What happened to the animals you caught already?"

Blossom had a flashback of the blood.

"We ate them already." Seastorm's voice sounded from behind her.

"You can't fly for an hour before stopping to eat? SeaWings are weak." Majestic inquired.

"Hmm? I couldn't hear what you said, moons-blasted turtle face named Majestic." Seastorm added, a smug air around her. Blossom smirked, even though the other couldn't see it.

This will

Majestic snarled, "SeaWings are weak. You have no stamina, and your scales aren't even pretty. I bet you can't even go for a day without stopping to eat every minute."

Blossom was grinning now as Seastorm growled, but kept flying.

Hare added, "I really do think we should stop. The sky is darkening, and night is near. We really should rest."

Blossom shook her head. "Fine, slug-faces."

They veered down to the ground, grumbling, growls, and snarls filling the air. Blossom rolled her eyes. Majestic was the first to get up.

"I'll go find some wood to make a fire."

Seastorm said, "Me and Hare can go look for food. Blossom, do you mind guarding the camp?"

Blossom shook her head, "No."

It would also feel like old times. How do dragons live with other dragons? Blossom couldn't.

Mark my words, you will regret messing with Venus of the LeafWings, HiveWings, and SilkWings.

Venus' words rang in Blossom's head.

What does she mean 'you will regret messing with Venus Flytrap.' Is it a code name of some sort?

Another statement that Majestic had told her was rolling around her head: "You will get revenge for what Venus has done to you."

Is it all connected? Blossom looked at the sky.

What will happen to me, if anyone's listening up there?

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