Baby's First Pawn

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There's a lot of ways to make money, if you're not afraid to get your hands dirty. By dirty, I mean sticky. Stealing was one of Juana's favorite activities, of course she had to do it to survive.

Juana pulled into the parking lot of a local pawn shop. Nothing too fancy, but neither was what she was working with. An old van, used to belong to an electrical company. Of course, until Juana got her hands on it. It had been well abused by the company, but Juana called it home now. At least it was functional, most of the time. Unlike her family. It had some missing parts, again much like her family.

Juana strolled into the pawn shop with confidence, the little bell alerting that she had entered. She approached the front desk, where a man was sitting and reading.

"Hello, welcome to Blade's antique and pawn shop...what can I help you with?" The man asked without looking up.

Juana pulled a gold bracelet out of her pocket and threw it onto the desk. "I'm looking to sell this bracelet, it was my grandmother's." Of course that was a lie. She had slipped it off the wrist of an old woman, while helping her put groceries in her car.

The man put down his book and picked up the braclet. He pulled down his reading glasses that had been previously resting on his head. "hmm...I don't know, I'd have to take it out back to test it."

Juana shrugged, "Do what you must..."

"It'll take about ten minutes, excuse me." The man headed into the backroom with the bracelet to see if it was authentic gold.

As soon as the man was out of her sight, Juana rummaged through the entire shop. Looking for small but valuable things she might be able to access. If the bracelet wasn't real, she at least wanted something else to sell elsewhere. "Jackpot!" Juana whisper-yelled to herself as she found a case left unlocked. She slid it open and grabbed a couple particularly shiny rings. Then she shut the case and locked it, taking the keys that were left in the lock. She got back to the desk just as the owner did. "Excuse me sir, I found these on the ground." She held out the keys.

"Oh crap, thank you." He took the keys and put them in his pocket. "Bad news about your braclet..."

"It's not real?" Juana huffed, assuming she wasn't getting dinner tonight. Her last bit of money went into fueling the van.

"It's real, I'll offer you $600 for it." The man offered a price.

Juana's heart flipped inside her chest. "That's good news!"

"For you, not for me. Now I have to pay you." The man joked and held out his hand. "So, we got a deal? What's your name?"

"Yes, yes we do." Juana shook his hand. Dinner was about to be delicious. "Juana, Juana Flippa."

"Would you like to make a donation to the sarcoma foundation?" The owner gestured to a golden donation box.

"Uh..." Juana might not be the most morally correct person on the planet, but she had a heart. "Sure, I'll donate $100..." Charity work was the only thing Juana could do to feel like she was earning back a spot in heaven.

"That's generous, thank you." The man smiled appreciatively. "My son thanks you as well."

"Yeah, no problem..." Juana glanced down at the donation box again. Taped to the box was a photo of the owner, happily embracing a small child. It looked to be Christmas, the photo beamed with light and joy. Suddenly Juana felt sick. "Is that your son?"

"Oh yes!" The man smiled bright while writing a cheque for Juana. "I believe he was 10 in that photo, his mother happened to snap a photo of just the two of us."

"I see..." Juana rocked back and fourth on her heels awkwardly. "He is uh...dead?" Juana was cursed with being a little too straightforward at the worst of times.

The man just laughed and handed the cheque to Juana. "Died about a year ago, 23...still feels like I lost a baby."

"ay lo siento mucho...I'm very sorry to hear that." (oh I'm so sorry...) Juana felt the rings in her pockets burning guilt through her skin.

The owner slipped the $100 into the donation box. "Doesn't make me sad anymore, this store used to be his. I can practically feel his spirit bouncing off the walls...he was always stubborn. He'd do a million and one things if that's what he wanted. Fought in wars, spent months in the Arctic, opened this little shop...he never got to spend much time here, but it was his last big goal before he died."

Juana winced as the burning guilt spread through her entire body. Her heartstrings were being tugged at relentlessly.

"I have a confession..." Juana gulped.

Baby's First Rebellion {QSMP JuanaFlippa} COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now