Baby's First Taxidermy

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Juana said her goodbyes to the generous antique salesman. She climbed aboard her trusty van and started the engine. It sputtered and groaned, too old to be doing all this traveling. "Please God, let this van get me to L'manburg." Juana whispered a prayer to the steering wheel before driving off.

Juana assumed this job would be short lived like the others. She'd be fired after a couple week, either from thievery or laziness. She'd be back on the road looking for another hustle, she knew it.


It was clear L'manburg was a tourist destination, as soon as Juana drove past the first welcome sign. Bright flags waved hello, signs everywhere advertising local art and theatre. It was dark by now, but some places were still open. Announced by flashing neon signs. It was a sweet little town, shining with a soul. The town may of been small, but Juana didn't know her way around. She pulled into a convenience store and hopped out.

She entered the store and looked around a bit, slipping a few chocolate bars into her sleeve. It wasn't like the cashier was paying attention. Once she had secured emergency snacks, she approached the front counter. "Do you think you could help me with directions?"

"Where do you need to go?" The cashier looked dead, like she had been working this job for far too long.

"Wilbur's Taxidermy...where is that?"

"Aren't you a little young to be seeing Wilbur?" The cashier tilted her head with judgment.

"Excuse me?"

"Wilbur's got a reputation. I assure, you won't be the only girl in his life."

Juana nearly threw up in her mouth. "Ew. No, I'm not some sneaky hookup. I'm 16 for god's sake. I need to meet with him for a job opportunity..."

"Ah...have fun fluffing the tails of roadkill." The cashier cackled. "Did you see the Anarchy Inn on your way into town?"

"I believe so...big wooden building, golden sign out front with a statue of an ugly pig."

The cashier rolled her eyes. "Right, well Wilbur's place is right across from that. Two story house, blue. Always some sort of melody coming out of the windows...just don't insult the Blade family. Wilbur is very passionate about the Blade legend...the whole town is."

"What's the Blade legend?" Juana asked curiously.

"Wilbur will tell you, I don't have all night. I'm exhausted, run along." The cashier shooed Juana.

Juana decided to leave, she needed to get this over with. Maybe if Wilbur was kind enough, she'd even get to sleep in a bed. Instead of a sleeping bag, in the back of a van.

It didn't take long at all before Juana was outside the Soot residence, at least that's what it was referred to as on the mailbox. She parked her van and headed to the front door. It wasn't too late, but hopefully she didn't get shooed away or shot for trespassing.

A deep breath, then she rang the doorbell. It must of been custom. Most standard doorbells don't play the beginning tune of Megalovania. She waited for awhile, before pressing it again. Then she realized the doorbell was not the only musical number happening. There was music from upstairs, flowing down from an open window. Sounded like a harmonica, joined by the gentle strumming of guitar strings.

Juana blamed her curiosity for what she did next, but maybe it was her lacking knowledge of boundaries.
She turned the handle on the front door, wondering if it was locked. It was not. Juana pushed open the door and looked in. The bottom floor must of been the business. There was a cashier's station illuminated by a small lamp. Unfortunately, the dozens of plastic eyes were also illuminated. Juana was startled, even though she knew to expect taxidermy. She took a couple steps in, getting close to the stairs she could hardly see. "HELLO!"

The music slowly died out, they must of heard her. Juana waited patiently, until a man slowly crept down the stairs. He must of found the switch on his way down, because the lights downstairs flicked on. Now Juana could see what she was surrounded by, dozens of stuffed animal corpses.

"Hola! You must be Juana? Mr. Blade called about you. Shut the door, you'll let the animals out." He chuckled.

Juana shut the door hesitantly. It was either the smell of animal musk or the display of taxidermy equipment that made her so skeptical. It was most likely the taxidermy equipment that was laid out on a trolly.

"Bienvenido... a nuestra? casa!" (Welcome... to our? home!) The man spoke like he had just received his first Spanish lesson. Clearly he was just trying to make a good impression.

"I speak great English, don't strain yourself..." Juana acted annoyed but she appreciated when people at least tried to use Spanish.

"Sorry, I haven't freshened up my Spanish in nearly a year. I just wanted to welcome you properly, Mr. Blade says you've had a rough day." Wilbur crossed his arms.

"More like, rough's late...should we schedule an interview for tomorrow?" Juana suggested.

"Oh, no, no. No interview needed. Mr. Blade says you clean well, and I do need someone to clean the shop tomorrow." Wilbur instantly offered her the job. Purely because he felt bad for her.

"Tomorrow? That was fast..." Jauna let her eyes wander a little bit. "If one of these move, I'm burning this place down to the ground."

"I know, it's a little alarming to people who don't understand it...should I show you to your bed?" Wilbur asked.


"Uh yeah, It's sort of a live-in position. Were you not aware?" Wilbur wasn't looking for some sort of live-in maid. He just wanted to give Juana a place to sleep without making her feel too pitiful.

"Oh, I wasn't aware...I was hoping though."

"Well, now you know. Come up, I'll introduce you to my daughter." Will started walking back upstairs.

Juana lingered for awhile, sizing up all the stuffed corpses as she went up the stairs at snail's pace. She was sure they'd all come to life, like a 'Night At The museum' rip-off.

"Tallulah, come meet our new cleaner!" Wilbur opened a door, leading into his daughter's room.

Juana was intrigued when a girl about her age timidly come out of the room. She still had the harmonica in her hands. Her hair was shoulder length, fluffy like her father's. Instead of the crazed look of exhaustion her father had, she had a face full of hope.

"Tallulah, this is Juana, our new cleaner. Juana, this is my daughter, Tallulah. I hope you two get along." Wilbur introduced them.

"This is our new cleaner?" Tallulah asked curiously.

"I know, it is distasteful to get a Hispanic girl to be your cleaner." Juana said jokingly.

"I'm Hispanic too!" Tallulah brightened up. "I'm adopted."

"Oh, cool...I was sort of adopted." Juana shrugged.

"I was abandoned outside an orphanage and I wandered off. That's when my new dad found me." Tallulah looked up at Wilbur.

"Yes, that's right...but Tallulah, remember what we said about over sharing. You only tell personal stuff to people you really trust." Wilbur reminded her.

"I know..." Tallulah looked back to Juana.

"That's unfortunate...where do I stay?" Juana just wanted to get to sleep in a proper bed for once. She'd deal with the Soot family in the morning.

"I'll show you. Tallulah, you go get into bed. I'll be in, in a moment to tuck you in." Wilbur brought Juana to the spare bedroom.

"Tuck her in?" Juana thought it was a joke.

"Yes, Tallulah has attachment issues. Separation anxiety, whatever you want to call it. If I don't put her to bed and say goodnight, she can't sleep." Wilbur explained.

"I you're over sharing." Juana teased.

"Perhaps, I just don't want you making fun of her because she's different. She's always been my little girl." Wilbur opened the spare bedroom door. "This is yours for now."

Juana looked around, it looked decent. Better than sleeping in the back of a van. "Thank you..."

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