Baby's First Murder

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Tallulah must of seen the news report a million times, and read the articles online a dozen more. Yet, she couldn't believe it. "It's such an evil world, isn't it papá?"

"The world isn't evil, Tallulah...some people do bad things, but that's unfortunately just a part of being alive." Wilbur rubbed his daughter's shoulders fondly. He was upset about Jauna's murder too. But understood it was for the best. She was an opposing force that didn't fit the agenda of the Cucurucho Cult. It was a strict cult, falling out of line was instant death. That's why Wilbur fled, but still daydreamed. He could have so much more than this dusty taxidermy shop. If only he was willing to jeopardize his daughter's life like Charlie and Mariana.

"But why do people kill? Jauna was so nice..." Tallulah's voice shivered and she started crying. Immediately she got swept into her father's arms. "Beaten to death with a blunt How can any man do that to a helpless girl?"

"I don't know, Tallulah." Wilbur got flashbacks to beating grown men to death. "I couldn't imagine hurting a teenage girl, and killing her."

"We should of kept her here, she would be safe!" Tallulah choked on tears.

"Jauna was a was only a matter of time." Wilbur pat Tallulah on the back and sighed. "You'll understand this one day..."


The air-conditioning hasn't worked for a long time, so Mariana was fanning himself with a magazine. It had been 2 short weeks since his daughter was murdered. He forced himself to be numb. "Quackity will be back before we know it, but that doesn't make me feel any better..."

Charlie was zoned out, sketching a map of the bunker. Just to help him remember his way around the endless tunnels and rooms. "You know the rules, babe. Anyone outside that learns too much has to die."

"She was our kid!"

"I know...we knew the risks." Charlie swallowed any grief he felt. "We can have anything we want, or we could've had a daughter...I'd much rather have the world in my hands." The hunger was apparent in Charlie's eyes.

"Regardless, I wish we could of said goodbye..." Mariana gripped the magazine tightly.

"If she knew we were alive, she would of never went to Quackity. Had she stayed off the island... maybe she could of even lived. But, she didn't as we suspected, and she ran right to Quackity. She's as stupid as we suspected, and she's gone now. So stop sulking, and carry on."

"This is fucked!" Mariana stood up and lunged at Charlie. "She was our little girl!"

Charlie was shocked, but not helpless. He wrestled with Mariana until he had him on the ground. He pinned Mariana's shoulders to the ground with a strength nobody knew he had. "Don't act so holy! You've killed, you've killed people's kids for this organization!"

"I've killed kids for Jauna!" Mariana was struggling against Charlie's strong hold. "There's a difference! Jauna was family, I'd never sacrifice her safety!"

Charlie covered Mariana's mouth and grinned when he felt teeth sinking into his flesh. "There is no boundaries, Mariana...hell, I'd kill you if I had to. Survival of the fittest." Charlie leaned down so he could whisper psychotically in Mariana's ear.

"I never liked that kid anyway. Always thought she deserved better. Now she's dust, that sounds better to me... world's not pretty, rest easy little flippa." Charlie lied.

The End

Thank God it's over. I started writing it so early in the QSMP. And I really lost track of lore. This is an AU, but still. XD

R.I.P to this flop.

Baby's First Rebellion {QSMP JuanaFlippa} COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now