Baby's First Mystery

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TW// Mentions of murder, mentions of sexual assault

Jauna was amazed at how such a small tourist town could have such a stunning library. The dark oak shelves seemed to reach the sky. There was hints of gold everywhere, fake gold. But still golden in appearance. There was even a skylight in the circular middle of the library, letting in the soft sunlight of today. "¡Esto es increíble!" (This is amazing)

"si, muy bonita" (Yes, very pretty.) Drista nodded in agreement. She led Jauna to her favorite section, the murder mysteries. "What kind of books do you like?"

Jauna had to think about it. She had never read a book unless it was a school requirement. "I don't know, I'm not much of a reader...I guess I like... actually, I don't know." Jauna shrugged.

"How about this book?" Drista pulled a book that she recognized off the shelf. "I love this book. It's about a woman that kills her husband and stops talking. Maybe you'd like it?"

"Uhhh...I don't know if that's my cup of...tea?" Jauna didn't want to tell Drista she had no interest in reading. That might disappoint her and so far, Jauna thought Drista was alright.

" you not like murders?" Drista asked with a snicker.

"No, I can't say I particularly enjoy murder..." Jauna shivered.


"¡¿Qué hiciste?! (What did you do?!" Mariana's voice echoed down the hallway and seeped into Juana's bedroom. She was 12 now. Her parents had gotten back together for the millionth time, and for the millionth time her dad had done something insane. ¡¿Qué hiciste?!"  She heard her Papá shout again.

Curiously she stood up and walked to her door, pressing her ear against it. She knew she didn't want to know, but anxiety would kill her if she didn't.

"I killed him, I fucking killed him!" Charlie sounded more comical than horrified. Whatever he had done was one big joke to him. At least for now. By morning he might come to regret it.

Jauna felt the familiar burn of fear and dread take over, but she opened her bedroom door anyway. At this point she was more welcoming to death. "¡papá!" She called down the hall shakily.

"Don't breathe a word of this to Jauna, you understand?" Mariana whispered aggressively before walking out and down the hall to Jauna. "¿Qué necesitas? (What do you need?)"

"Papá, ¿qué está pasando? (Dad, what's happening?)" Jauna kept her voice low, despite her other dad not being fluent in Spanish.

"Cariño, tu padre...(Darling, your father..." Mariana was stalling, although Jauna had already witnessed and seen so much in her young life. "se enojó un poco. (He got a little angry.)"

"¿Qué tan enojado está? (How angry is he?)" Jauna dreaded an answer.

"muy muy...(very, very.) Mariana froze as he heard Charlie's footsteps coming down the hall behind him. "Ve a tu dormitorio, no salgas. No importa lo que escuches. (Go to your bedroom, do not come out. No matter what you hear.) He instructed before giving his daughter an aggressive shove into her room.

-Flashback Over-

"Jauna, ¿Estás bien? (Are you okay?)" Drista had been in the middle of reading her a book description when she totally zoned out.

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