Baby's First F-boy

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TW// Suggestive remarks

"What's your favorite song?" Tallulah asked while mindlessly strumming her father's guitar.

"I don't have one." Juana said as she made herself comfortable on a beanbag chair.

"Everyone has a favorite song, come on." Tallulah urged Juana to give her an answer.

"You wouldn't know it..." Juana hesitated.

"That's okay, what is it?" Tallulah smiled.

"A Ningún Hombre. It reminds me a lot of horrible things...but yet it makes me feel powerful." Juana shrugged.

"I've never heard it...I'll listen to it tonight before bed." Tallulah cleared her throat and put the guitar down. " you ever plan on going home?"

"No, I'm hoping to get lucky and land myself a good paying job...get my own place...why am I telling you this?" Juana stopped talking.

"I'm really sorry...your family must be really scary." Tallulah shifted around awkwardly. "I couldn't imagine running away."

"Of course not, you're too good for that. You are your perfect dad's perfect daughter." Juana spoke with jealousy.

"Not that perfect..." Tallulah stood up and stretched. "I know my dad is with a lady."

"Oh...then why does he still hide it?"

"Because he doesn't want me to get attached to any of his partners...he dates rapidly and doesn't settle on one..." Tallulah pulled off her beanie and set it down on her dresser. "We should just go to bed..."

"Yeah, I guess...It sucks that your dad dates around." Juana sympathized. "But, at least you still have a caring father."

"Yes, I am thankful. I love him." Tallulah got on her bed and watched Juana stand and walk to the door. "Maybe we can hang out tomorrow?"

"Sure, maybe...Alone or with... what's your friends name?"

"Tyler..." Tallulah spoke his name like it was poisonous, but she loved him. "He might be around."

"Cool...well, Buenas noches. (goodnight.)"


The next day when Tallulah got home in the afternoon, she went straight to her dad who was at the front desk. "Dad, is Juana done working?"

"Juana still has work to do, why do you ask?" Wilbur looked up from the cash register that he was fidgeting with.

"Me and Tyler were going to walk around the docks and get ice cream, and I thought she'd like to come..." Tallulah gave her dad a soft look. She wasn't necessarily begging, but she easily convinced him with her eyes.

"Oh, you like Juana?" Wilbur smiled happily. He loved seeing his daughter make new friends. She could be hesitant at times to venture out without him. "You know what, not much left to do go find Juana and take her to the docks."

"Thanks!" Tallulah reached over the counter to awkwardly hug her dad.

Wilbur hugged back, happy yet sad that his daughter was growing up. Finally enjoying the company of others that aren't him. "Are you wearing cologne?" Wilbur chuckled suddenly. "Tallulah, you smell like a stinky teenage boy."

Tallulah stepped back and smelled herself. "Tyler sprayed me with his cologne, that's why."

"Well go change your clothes or something. You're going to stink up the streets." Wilbur said gently, jokingly yet serious.

Baby's First Rebellion {QSMP JuanaFlippa} COMPLETE Where stories live. Discover now