A Family of Bats (Nightwing x reader)

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Prompt: the reader has been a friend of Tim for years and you both had been assigned a school project. Tim blows the reader off a few times and after the final time she leaves and goes looking for trouble but trouble finds her.


Alfred: Immortal

Bruce: 43

Dick: 25

Jason: 21

Tim: 17

Reader: 17

Damian: 14

This was the fifth time this had happened. One time fine. Two okay shit happens. Three is a bit excessive, but five times. You would get to the Manor, you had texted Tim and let him know you were on your way and it would be about 30 min before you got there. Granted you knew it was late but it's not like you didn't explain that you guys would have to plan carefully in order to get together and get your project done for class.

You go to Gotham Academy with Tim and Damian. You had known Tim since freshman year and you would like to say that you two were close. You guys got out of school at about 2:30 pm, you would then go to work and get out at about 9:00 pm so you wouldn't be at the manor until at least 9:30 pm, which Tim knew. So you have no idea how the hell you could get to the manor and Tim along with all his siblings were gone. You had let him know you would be there and at what time. He knew that you worked after school and it's not like this is the first time this had happened. Still, you gave him a bit of leeway. Alfred had said that his older brother was in town and that they had all gone downtown for a new action and adventure movie. You couldn't find a way to fault him for that because you would give anything to go see a movie with your older brother.

You were up in Tim's room trying to figure out how you were supposed to create a realistic model of a historical event that shaped the history of the world, along with writing a 2500-word essay. You and Tim had discussed a couple of plans and sadly the only thing you two had come with had been the formation of the Justice League. Which was pretty sad but most of the time you were both running on way too much caffeine. Jason had suggested the application of gunpowder as a weapon, which you both ignored. You had previously started on the poor recreation of the Hall of Justice but had given up pretty quickly. So instead you started on the essay and sent Tim a quick text.

9:45 pm (y/n): Dude, where r u???

You had finished an outline and started looking for extensive resources that would cover the early years of the League. You sent Tim another text

10:05 pm (y/n): Im at your house working on our project. I suck at modeling, please help!!!

You ended up finding a few good sources but ended up distracted by a subthread discussing the secret identity of Batman. A couple were pretty juicy but none of them had any real leg to stand on.

10:25 pm (y/n): Tim I can't be here all night. My parents will lose their shit.

You waited a few more minutes before texting him one more time to say you were going home.

10:30 pm (y/n): I got to go. C u Monday.

You grabbed your laptop and tucked it into your bag. You then plugged your earbuds into your phone, hit random on your playlist, and off all the things to land on, it landed on Tell Me How by Paramore. You smirked to yourself. How fucking typical that the playlist can find something to sum up how you felt. You swung your bag over your shoulder and quickly exited Tim's room not even bothering to slam the door behind you. You slid down the banister rail and not so gracefully dodged Alfred, whom you didn't even know was still in the manor.

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