Universal Mix-Up (Batfamily x Reader)

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Prompt: You are from the real world you are a huge fan of DC and end up in Gotham


Dick: 26

Jason: 22

Tim: 19

Reader: 16

Damian: 12

Italics are your thoughts

Your whole body feels heavy like there are weights on each limb. You feel cold as well. You pull your legs closer to you, dragging across something cold and hard.

Wait Hard?

You chalk it up to your imagination. Until you feel something cold drip onto your face. Followed by another, and another. You roll over slowly opening your eyes, before quickly shutting them again.

This can't be real. This can't be happening... Can it?

You have no idea where you are. And no memory of how you got there. Along with a splitting headache that you have no idea how you got.

You open your eyes again but nothing changed. Concrete underneath you and the cloudy night sky stars down at you, continuing to pellet you with rain drops.

"I'm all for taking long walks in the rain, but taking a nap in the rain. That's something else entirely." Said a voice.

You sat straight up looking around for the source of the voice. Your eyes dart back and forth across the rooftop searching for who spoke as you stand up.

"Up here." It said again from behind you. You spin around on your heel looking up at the ledge above you. On it sits a familiar blue and black figure. Your eyes go wide.

Now it all makes sense. Granted kidnapping me and taking me to a rooftop to do this is a bit excessive but still they had me going...

"This is a joke right?" you say going completely into denial "Good one guys you almost got me. I mean great job on the cosplay and all. Where's the hidden camera?

"Did you hit your head or something?" Says a slightly higher-pitched voice behind you. You whip around to see a pint-sized person dressed as Robin behind you.

"Robin." The Nightwing said "You can't just ask people that. It's rude."

"TT" was all Robin said.

They are good but there's no way this is real. Right?

"Um, where am I?" you ask really hoping they would drop the act

"How are you so stupid as to take a nap on a roof and not know where you are?" Robin says, Nightwing flips off the ledge he was on and smacks Robin in the back of the head.

"What my partner is trying to say is how did you get here?" Nightwing asks, flashing a friendly smile.

"I don't really remember." You say looking around hoping that something would jog your memory and you were really hoping that this was all a twisted joke "I don't even know where here is."

"TT, Imbecile."

"Robin" Nightwing smacked Robin in the back of the head a little harder this time, glaring at him to shut up. Before turning to you. "You really have no idea where you are?"

You shake your head no

"You're in Gotham City."

This can't be real right? I mean they're not even real. This city isn't even real. This is all a dream. I am really back home in (h/t) in my bed where I fell asleep reading comics.

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