Friday Night (Jason Todd x Reader)

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Prompt: You go to a party. Things don't go well and some things happen so you call one of the boys to come get you. You are not one of Bruce's wards but you practically live at the manor. You know their secret and even help sometimes. The boys think of you like a sister and are extremely protective of you


Alfred: Immortal

Bruce: 43

Dick: 25

Jason: 21

Tim: 19

Reader: 18

Damian: 12

Warnings: attempted rape, lots of drinking, some almost angst, angry Jason Todd


Best Friend Name (bff/n)

Boyfriend name (bf/n)

You could hear the music before you ever even saw the house. It was loud enough that you were sure that neighbors were going to complain about the noise. Even if they didn't complain about the noise they would definitely complain about the cars parked everywhere. There were so many cars parked all over the street that you had to park over a block away.

You didn't even have to knock because (bff/n) was practically waiting for you. She pulled you into the house and wrapped you in a hug.

"(n/n) I'm so sorry about (bf/n)" (bff/n) said releasing you from the hug and stepping back with a too-bright smile.

"Don't be," You deadpanned "I just want to forget the whole thing."

"While fear not, because I have just the thing to do that," she said before disappearing into the crowd of people. You sighed

It figures that she would not want to deal with my problems right now. I should probably just go. I can always raid the manor's liquor cabinet and hide out in the attic 'til I'm too shitfaced to care.

Right when you turned around to head for the door (bff/n) reappeared with just the thing you needed to forget.

"I've got shots." (bff/n) sang before handing you one. You took it from her before sniffing it and recoiled in disgust at first.


Then shrugged your shoulders and downed it in one go, before taking (bff/n)'s and downing hers as well. (bff/n) looked at you like you had grown to heads. You weren't really a shots person much less a tequila person. But she rolled with it and figured it would at least help you have a little bit of fun. You heard the DJ change the song and (bff/n) squealed and then started dragging you through the house to the backyard where everybody was dancing. You planted your feet causing (bff/n) to stop and turn to look at you.

"Come on, (y/n) it will be fun." She pleaded "You need to loosen up a bit, have some fun."

"No thanks, I think I'll stick to the bar." You said jamming your thumb in the direction of the fully stocked bar where about 5 other people were on their 4th round of shots in 5 minutes.

"One song? Please?"


"Pretty please."


"Whatever, I'm going to go have a good time. You can continue to sulk and drown your sorrows." (bff/n) said before disappearing into the sea people. You sighed and made your way to the bar.

"What'll it be?" the bartender asked

"Something strong," you said

"How strong."

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