UNO (Batboys x Reader)

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Prompt: After being given a night off you and the boys decide to play a game of Uno.


Alfred: Immortal

Bruce: 43

Dick: 26

Jason: 22

Tim: 18

Reader: 20

Damian: 12

Let the Chaos Ensue

"(y/n)." Tim yelled through the door. You just ignored him. You had a mountain of casework and did not want to be disturbed.

"(y/n)" Tim Yelled again banging on the door.

You sighed but elected to continue to ignore Tim. But that was quickly becoming no longer an option as he continued to bang on the door. Right as you were about to get up and let him in, the banging stopped.

Finally some peace-

Suddenly your door burst open and Jason stood in the doorway with Tim behind him. You glared at Jason and he just smirked. Tim looked mildly surprised for a split second before turning to Jason

"Was that really necessary?" Tim asked

"No, but it was fun," Jason responded before turning to you and tossing you a small box. "Dining room in ten, we haven't got patrol tonight."

You glanced down at the box and groaned.

"Really, of all the things you could pick, Jason," You said

"Hey, don't blame me. Blame Dick. Apparently, Demon Spawn's never played." Jason responded before promptly turning around and leaving. Tim was leaning in the doorway awkwardly before mumbling about going to get the "house rules" together.

You already knew where this was going, but you also knew if you weren't down there the boys would drag you. You quickly cleaned up most of your desk and "neatly" stacked up your files before heading downstairs.

Dick, Jason, and Damian were already seated. Dick was explaining the majority of the game to Damian, who seemed to not care.

"Why are we doing this again?" Damian asked Dick Facepalmed

"You said you'd never played UNO," Dick stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world

"Tt, this game is stupid," Damian stated

"You think everything not related to slicing people into ribbons is stupid," Jason stated not looking up from his phone. You seated yourself next to Jason right as Tim walked in and sat at the head of the table, positioned between Dick and Jason. Sliding a piece of paper down the middle of the table. You slid the cards out and started shuffling. Dick began to explain the rules.

"The rules are simple. We each start with 5 cards. The game will begin clockwise, so the order will be Tim, Jason, (y/n), Damian, and me. Once everyone has cards, we will flip one card off the deck and Tim will start" Dick gestured to each player as he went. You began dealing out cards. Dick then picked up the paper and read the rules off

Stacking cards: cards can be stacked but must start with the color or number of the current card on the pile.

Plus Cards: Plus cards can be stacked but must start with the color of the current card on the pile. Pluses can be transferred by adding "+2 cards" to the pile. If a +4 wild is played the +2 must be of the color in play. +4 may be stacked. The player receiving the plus skips their turn to place a card

Drawing cards: If the player does not have a color or number in play they must draw a card until they receive a color or number they can play.

Uno: Uno must be called as soon as you have it or the player must draw two cards. If A player calls a False UNO on another player the original player must draw two cards.

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