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                                             A BLACK HEART i.e. RAGING SEAS 2.0 Chapter 1
A/N:- This is a rewrite of the original RAGING SEAS which you guys can find on with my username... and I know you guys might be wondering why I am doing it again... The main reason is that I don't know how the other fanfics that I had posted on simply vanished, like gone, completely, without me knowing anything. I was left with "Raging Seas" and uh... I kind of read it again. At the same time, another idea related to this Percy popped into my mind, and then I thought about the original and then decided to just mix the two! And that gave birth to this rewrite with a similar plot and the same characters but more depth and some additional deleted scenes that I didn't add in the first version! Also... I changed the title after some discussions with a reviewer on Huh... this just feels like "The Justice League" and then "Zack Snyder's Justice League". Funny. This is going to take a lot of time cuz I have to rewrite 60 chapters but no worries... I'll do it! Anyway, let's start with the story! Enjoy! Also... I'm including a lot of JJK stuff with changed names so as to fit in the sequel! Enjoy!

Hades, the god of the dead, the god that both the mortals and immortals feared alike had never in his entire immortal life felt as petty as he did now as tear drops trailed down his pale face, hitting the ground.

He was kneeling down, his head bowed deep down, in front of the black obsidian grave of the one woman whom he truly loved.

"I'm sorry...." His voice faded off as he stopped his crying, having no more tears left to cry.

He hated his brothers. He hated the ancient laws. And he hated the fates the most.

If it could have been up to him then he would've blasted those old withered hags to bits a long time ago. But alas, he couldn't. So he just blamed himself.

He so wished to go back in time and save her. To go back and give his children the love they deserved. To go back and create the family that they never could have had.

How he longed to...

His thoughts were cut off when he suddenly heard a person speak behind him.

"What are you doing here at this time of the night, mister?" The voice of a child came from behind him.

Hades turned around to look at a boy just three-or-four years old staring at him quizzically with mysterious sea-green eyes. They reminded the god of his sea-god brother but he didn't say anything other than, "The same could be said about you, don't you think?"

"Well, mister, I live here, in this jungle and I come here every night to say goodnight to my mother," The boy said and strolled forward and sat next to Hades, startling him as he began to feel the faint but divine scent of the sea coming from him.

"Your mother?" He asked, pushing every little feeling of blasting this boy to smithereens to the bottom of his mind.

The mysterious child just pointed to the tiny grave that had been poorly made with a few sticks arranged together in a plus sign.

The god was shocked as this was the first time in his visits to the cliff that he actually saw this. "Your mother... passed away?"

The boy nodded and opened his mouth but didn't say anything else.

"What about your father?" Hades asked and the instant expression of confusion on the child's face confused the god as well.

"The only thing I remember is his green eyes looking at me when I was little. After that, I never saw him again," The boy said, a distant look in his eyes. "My mother said that he used to work as a sailor and one day in a terrible storm, his ship drowned along with him."

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