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                                                                   A BLACK HEART Chapter 15
A/N:- So, my battery has been changed and uh I'm happy to say that I'm back for now! Als
o.... I know I haven't been really regular with the updates at all... in fact, I didn't update at all.... The thing is that I am just trying to figure things out with personal relationships and other things... so it is actually complicated... but yeah, let's get on with the chapter... I'll try to update more and more frequently! So, the new chapter's here as well!

"Alright... let me get this straight... you weren't lying about the whole 'Romans living and training here' thing?" Percy asked.

"Nope, not at all, the people ahead are pure Romans, born a Roman, live a roman, die a roman," Apollo said. "Oh, and also, after we cross this gate, I might look a little different, but don't worry, that is just my Roman version, alright?"

"Uh... ok?"

Apollo smiled and walked through the barrier with ease. Percy's eyes were wide but he followed as well.

The wall shimmered and disappeared as they appeared in a garden with the fresh scent of rain. Everything looked different from the outside. Exotic plants were growing and some deers and horses and pegasi feeding on them. And there was a strange ethereal light shining on them, with fireflies buzzing around.

"Wow," Percy exclaimed. "I didn't think it would look this good."

Apollo smiled, he looked different now. Wearing a wreath of gold leaves on his head, and a white toga with purple highlights and gold accents, he looked more godly than ever before.

He walked forward and the son of Poseidon followed him until they reached the large bronze doors.

"This is—" Percy was cut off by a low growl coming from behind them.

The growling continued but it got closer and deeper, like whoever was causing this sound was really angry.

Both Percy and Apollo turned around to look at the person, as two sharp, angry, and yellow eyes were visible in the darkness, looking at them with disapproval.

The figure, a wolf, came forward, snarling at Percy.

"Lupa... it's a pleasure to meet you again," Apollo greeted the wolf as it growled at him, which was probably 'Fuck off' in wolf language.

Then suddenly, it spoke in their minds, in an angry, deep, female voice. "Apollo, why have you brought a Graecus within our midst?"

"Lupa, he's not a threat," Apollo replied pointing to Percy who was watching the whole scene, wide-eyed. "And as for why I brought him here... it's an order by Lord Jupiter and Lady Juno themselves. They wished me to escort him to Camp Jupiter."


Apollo glared at her for some time and she finally sighed, "Fine, I'll allow him to cross the Tiber. Only if the graecus proves he's worthy will he be allowed to stay at camp."

"Great, I knew you would understand!" Apollo said, returning to his cheerful demeanor.

Lupa walked forward and went towards Percy, raising her snout. "Come on, Perseus, follow me."


Soon they reached what they called Camp Jupiter. A majestic place across a river through which they just swam. Huge buildings were rising on both sides and it was actually really lonely.

'Huh... is there anyone here?' Percy thought to himself.

Lupa growled, "It's night time dumbass."

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