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                                                                    A BLACK HEART Chapter 17
A/N:- Also, don't worry about Percy turning into Wolverine, he can only heal minor injuries, not something major! Anyway, on with the chapter!

Percy grabbed the man in front of him by the neck, lifting the flailing body in the air, as he stared into Tsukasa's fear-filled eyes.

"This time.... not even your soul will be left."

Suddenly the yakuza head started screaming as a black substance emerged from his mouth and got slowly absorbed by the son of Poseidon.

Tsukasa's skin turned black, his cheeks hollowing out as he clawed at Percy's strong hands that were sucking his life force.

Finally, the man's body went limp, nothing more than a decayed corpse, and Percy threw his body at the wall. It disintegrated upon impact, the remains scattering.

Then he turned around to look at Jason and Reyna who both were shocked beyond measure, as he gave them a weak smile before falling face-first to the ground as the shadows dissipated.


When Percy woke up, he was lying in an intricately and ornately designed hotel room where everything looked antique. He blinked and looked around to see Reyna and Jason both standing at the doorway talking to someone.

He tried to get up and removed his covers to see that he was entirely shirtless wearing only his black trousers.

They had bathed him, bandaged him, changed his clothes, and booked a hotel room, that too in Italy.

He groaned, got up, and looked at himself in the mirror. His hair was ruffled and reaching the base of his neck.

He had to get a haircut soon. He thought as he tied his hair up while looking at his toned muscles.

He had to go for a workout too.

"You up?" Jason asked coming back from the balcony.

"Yeah, I guess," Percy groaned as he cracked his back. "How long was I out?"

"Three days," Reyna answered and Percy's mood did a full 180-degree turn.

"What? So, we only have eight days left to lay waste to two more gangster communities and enjoy our time in the land of architecture, opera, and literature?"

Both Jason and Reyna nodded grimly.

"Fuck," Percy exclaimed and it was just funny seeing the shirtless, handsome, and powerful demigod just being as hysterical as a child. "I'll call the gods."

Reyna and Jason's eyes were wide but they agreed.

"Hey Thunderbutts," The son of Poseidon said to the Olympian council in an Iris message. "We need an extension of the quest deadline."

A few minutes and curse words later, mostly Percy cussing them all and showing them a good reason, he came out of the bathroom successfully bagging an extension of another seven days.

He walked forward and sat down leisurely on the couch with Reyna and Jason as the daughter of Bellona gave him a cigarette.

"How much money did you spend here?" Percy asked after a few puffs.

"About five thousand euros," Reyna said.

"For one night." Jason added.

"That's goddamn expensive man," Percy said.

A BLACK HEARTWhere stories live. Discover now