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                                                                      A BLACK HEART Chapter 19
A/N:- This chapter features terms from Jujutsu Kaisen as I'm planning a JJK crossover with PJO after HOO takes place! More clarifications in the second A/N! Enjoy!

"You..." Percy said as he lunged at the body of his childhood friend, but she dodged. "Why?"

"Maresca's my grandmother. Of course, I would help her!" Cam said nonchalantly as she picked up a golden rope and jumped from the wall, tying him to a seat. "I guess, blood is thicker than water, pun intended!"

Percy stopped moving. Right. Her mother was the daughter of Assunta Maresca. But, still, this was wrong. The Cam he knew, wasn't like this.

"My eyes tell me that you're Camilla," He said as he bent down. "My eyes also tell me that you died, then how? My senses told me your soul reached the underworld! Then who are you?"

Camilla just smiled as her eyes turned from the cheery blue to gold and her voice turned deep. "You didn't dispose of the body well, did you?"

She laughed at Percy's expression and lifted up her shirt to show her toned abs and a healed-up torso with just a huge dark mark in the middle, the same place where the shrapnel from the throne had pierced her body.

"Courtesies of Mother Earth! I'm what you would call an Eidolon," She said and bowed but then had a confused look on her face. "What's the matter?"

"Why are you here?" He asked, trying to change the topic as he thought of his own foolishness as tears touched the edges of his eyes.

Cam tsked. "Don't cry now, I hate seeing strong men cry. I know you've faced a lot of suffering, I was there, and I also know that you're going to suffer a lot more too!"

Percy looked up as if to ask, 'What?'

"That's why Gaia sent me here! Join us and all your dead friends will be back! Swear allegiance to us! Swear that you'll help us tear down Olympus and you'll have whatever you want!"

The son of Poseidon was stunned but then laughed. "You said you'd done your research right? Then you should know that my fatal flaw is loyalty and that I'll never betray the ones that gave me a new life."

Saying that, he tried to be heroic and break out of his bonds but they resisted.

Fake Cam laughed. "This train is modified to curb any godly powers. You can't do anything here!"

Percy sighed. This was a lot like something Achilles's friend had told him in the underworld. He remembered something along the lines of cursed techniques that can modify conditions and all that and hit the wall, shocked to find it soft.

His guess was right.

"This isn't actually a train is it?"

That comment made Cam's ears tense and he knew he had struck a spot.

"You're right. This is a train enforced with cursed energy to make an innate domain, one of Maresca's powers." She sighed. "But how do you know?"

Percy breathed heavily. "A friend. I've tried using cursed energy a few times before, once when I was fighting Atlas, who you might know, and the second time when I was fighting Antaeus. And I have to say, I never really got the hang of it."

"For the sake of this body, I don't want you to die," Fake Cam said and got up. "So I'm just gonna tell you one thing. Domain Expansion's gonna help you in the next battle. Maresca's got some cards up her sleeve, beware of them."

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