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                                                              A BLACK HEART Chapter 22
A/N:- So, I've been thinking about ending the story with this chapter! Yes! So, this might as well be the last chapter of this fic! Don't worry, it's not going to end here! Sequels are incoming! Also, for the last chapter and the anticlimactic end of Maresca, well, I initially thought of giving Percy a domain too, but then thought against, hoping to use the idea in the sequel! So, anyway, let's just get on with the chapter!

Percy didn't know what to do. Miranda's men had taken his friends away and he was standing in the middle of the field, wearing handcuffs that somehow curbed his godly powers, again. He was surrounded by more people and Ernesto himself.

The man in question, with the same baggy flared suit lit up a cigar. "I'm offering you a position, Jackson."

He pointed to the several men and women around him. "We got monsters, Romans, Greeks, Humans, and of course," He pointed to himself. "A god. The only thing we lack... is someone like you. So join me, Perseus Jackson! And together, we all will rule the world!"

The son of Poseidon just looked bored. "You done?"

Miranda just looked at him strangely before nodding.

"Well, then I have a position for you too," Percy said, cracking his neck. "Six feet underground in any place of your preference. Would you like for me to do it right now?"

Ernesto laughed heartily for a moment. "You're funny, Jackson, I like that... but sorry, if you can't join me, then I can't afford to have you go against me."

Percy's eyes widened as the man flicked his fingers and instantly, the son of Poseidon was pushed back, thrown straight into the deep ocean waters.

And for the first time, he felt what it was like to drown.


It had been few days since Miranda had died and Percy had gotten lost in the Pacific Ocean. Reyna had tried looking for him everywhere, but there had been no sign of him.

Miranda had come for them in the basement of his building, where two girls had tied them up, but before anyone could do anything, everything turned to mud.

And by everything, she meant everything.

The entire building sloshed on top of them, rendering them almost unable to breathe.

But, somehow, they survived, and Reyna had cursed. She had wanted some action, but this was what had happened.

Gaea somehow decided that she had had enough of these guys and had turned them into mud. Why? How? No one knows.

But what the now Praetor did know, was that both her best friends were missing. And it was not a damn coincidence.

"Miss Reyna?" Hazel Levesque called out from behind the door. "May I come in?"

The daughter of Bellona sighed. Search parties had been sent out, and Hazel had been one of them. Her coming back so soon did not mean good news. Nevertheless, she got up and opened the gates.


Rafael was standing there, surveying the forging of the canons when suddenly a dracaena arrived next to him and stood by.

"Speak up," He said and the monster nodded.

"There's a man in the VIP area, getting the special treatment. He wanted to talk to you."

Rafael's eyes widened and his ears perked up and immediately they started off in the direction of the glass building, inside which all the dirty work took place.

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