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A/N:- So... I skipped the Olympus scenes and I am here at the start of BOTL! I hope you like it!

Percy was sitting in Cabin 3, lying wide awake in bed, next to the already asleep and snoring Hector. He couldn't sleep, as he kept thinking of what happened over the past few days.

He remembered when he sent Nico and Bianca back to Hades, which was the whole reason why Percy had come out of the Underworld, to save his siblings and bring them back to their father, but then... he had to go on a full quest just to save Artemis, Annabeth and ensure that Bianca and Nico both remained alive.

Then he had met up with Tyson, Hector's brother, indirectly his brother as well... and well, when Hector told the one-eyed Cyclops that Percy was his brother, Tyson immediately crushed him in a bear hug, yelling, "Yay! Brother!" Percy could only smile fondly at this. Then he went on a tour of Manhattan with Hector and Grover. Annabeth had left for San Francisco, so the boys were free to do anything they wanted.

Percy first met Hector's mom, Charlotte Babington and his dad Thomas Babington, whom Charlotte had married after Hector had left for camp, and Thomas was a pretty good person.

Hector's mother could see through the mist, which was pretty cool, just like Rachel Elizabeth Dare, and she also had a sister, Sally Jackson, who was also their neighbor, who also knew a lot about the Greek world from her sister.

Earlier, Charlotte was Charlotte Jackson, and she lived with her sister, then Hector's mom married and decided to shift, but didn't want to go away from Sally, so they bought the house or flat right next to her sister.

Percy loved the whole environment, blue cookies, blue cokes, and even blue walls. Hector must have really liked the color blue.

Then they went shopping, buying clothes, tricking mortals with the mist, and letting them take things for free.
Percy bought a black hoodie with blue stripes, black ripped pants, fingerless gloves, black combat boots, and a black bag.
Hector bought a blue hoodie with black stripes, and black jeans. Grover bought new red Converse shoes, a red Rasta cap, and nothing else.

Only Grover paid for his items, while the two siblings just manipulated the mist and brought the clothes home, smiling and laughing.

Then they went to Quality Meats to eat the dinner, where Percy and Hector ate the tomahawk ribeye along with the spicy Brussels sprouts and Parmesan waffle fries and accompanied that with a lovely Duckhorn Cabernet.

While Grover just sat there, eating his Yorkshire Creamed Spinach. After that, they picked up some cakes and cupcakes from Magnolia Bakery, and ate them on the ride back home.

Finally they reached Camp, and here they were now, one sleeping, one sleeping and one wide awake.

Percy lay in bed, one hand on his head, and the other on his stomach. He got up to drink water, and then came back.

The cabin itself was really cool and calming, the walls were completely blue in color, and the windows and roofs decorated with several bronze Hippocampi and aquatic plants and flowers, courtesy of Tyson. Poseidon had also gifted Percy a water fountain with an endless supply of drachmas to iris message.

Percy sat down, musing on everything, when suddenly a cheerful voice said from behind him.

"Hey there Perce!" Apollo said, making the whole cabin glow up.

"Hey Apollo, what brings you here?"

"Nothing, just wanted to make sure you are healthy, now tell me why aren't you asleep."

Apollo was wearing a yellow shirt over a white turtle neck, with blue baggy pants and yellow shoes, he looked good, thinking that Percy blushed a little but said, "Nothing, Hector's snoring is too much, so just decided to stay awake."

"I see, but there is something else on your mind too, right?"

Percy sighed, "Yeah, the prophecy is there, and there are several other things as well."

The sun god made a go-on gesture.

The demigod took a deep breath and said, "Kronos."


In the morning, when Hector woke up, he saw that Percy was gone from the lower bunk.

He got shocked and frantically started to look for Percy, but couldn't find him anywhere, when he finally came back, he found a piece of paper on Percy's bed.

'Hey Hector, don't worry, I will be gone for a few days, I'm with Apollo to sought some things out, so yeah, I'm not captured by the Titans, you got to your school and wait for me to come back. Bye!'

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