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                                                                     A BLACK HEART Chapter 16
A/N:- So yeah! Two consecutive updates! Yoohoo!

Japan wasn't as lively during the day as it was during the night.

The trio was moving silently through the streets of Tokyo, hopping from one alley to another.

"Where are we going?" Jason had asked.

"A funeral," Came Percy's reply.

And right now, they were going to crash the burial party of Tsukasa's son.

They finally reached the crematorium, which was shaped like the typical samurai-style hut. A thing at which Percy scoffed.

Several people were wearing black suits that had come to pay respects to the head of the leading technological group, Mirio Tsukasa.

Percy knew all about him. He was Shinobu's son and the direct heir to his entire fortune. The technological group they ran was a cover-up for the actual operations of the yakuza. Though Mirio never knew what his dad worked for, he always indirectly helped him.

Then Percy killed Shinobu, and heavily disrupted the workings of the yakuza. Which had led to all of this.

An elite force of the members of his father's gang was used to guard Mirio all the time while the yakuza was still working.

But then, it all crumbled, and Mirio, not knowing of his father's profession, couldn't do anything, and then he was assassinated.

So, now he was having his funeral ceremony and the last rites were being spoken.

Percy, Jason, and Reyna silently joined in and watched, as the only living relatives of Tsukasa went and said their blessings, bowing their heads in front of the coffin.

The priest raised his hand and commanded something. But that was the biggest slip-up.

Percy saw that his hands were heavily tattooed with markings that weren't unfamiliar to the young demigod.

He turned to face Reyna and Jason and silently pointed toward the people surrounding the ceremony.

Two priests, seven people at the back, fourteen in the front, and 2 on the roof, each having the same markings and weapons in their arms.

There was a sense of understanding that passed between the three as they readied themselves.

When the priest grabbed the daughter and led her down a path, was when Percy interfered.

He pushed through the crowd, heavily annoying everyone standing there, but he couldn't care less.

He grabbed the daughter's hand and the priests turned around confused but tensed.

Percy slid back his hood as his face came into full view and he enjoyed the satisfaction of watching the looks of horror and shock written on their faces.

"Remember me?" He asked with a smirk as the man brought out a gun and shot at Percy. He dodged and that was the beginning of the battle.

Several people discarded their robes, revealing their heavily tattooed bodies, and grabbed their weapons while others just screamed and scrambled back in shock.

Reyna grabbed the head of one and slammed him into the wall as Jason stabbed another in the chest with a katana he had found next to the coffin.

"I hope it wasn't sacred!" Jason yelled as he threw it like a javelin into another man.

Percy jumped up and kicked the heads of two yakuza agents, and punched the third right in the chest, a direct hit to the ribs, cracking a few of them.

Reyna turned around and kicked another in the groin while Jason slashed and stabbed his way through a horde of agents.

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