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                                A BLACK HEART Chapter 2
A/N:- So... here's chapter 2! A little late, I know... but hope you like it!

Percy sighed as he stepped into the clearing, surveying the massive structure in front of him. Westover Hall.

It looked a lot like an evil knight's castle. It was all black stone, with towers and slit windows and a big set of wooden double doors. The building stood on a snowy cliff overlooking the big frosty forest on one side and the gray churning ocean on the other.

Percy sighed and started walking forward, unable to shake the bad feeling nagging at him. His black jacket billowed in the cold wind showing off his Led-Zeppelin t-shirt inside as he used his combat boots to move in the three-inch deep snow.

His green and black eyes contrasted with his pale face as he stopped in his tracks, seeing the big oak doors open.

His eyes narrowed as he saw three teenagers enter the castle and decided it best to follow them.


There were black and red balloons all over the gym floor, and guys were kicking them in each other's faces, or trying to strangle each other with the crepe-paper streamers taped to the walls.

Girls moved around in football huddles, the way they always do, wearing lots of makeup and spaghetti-strap tops and brightly colored pants and shoes that looked like torture devices.

Every once in a while, they'd surround some poor guy like a pack of piranhas, shrieking and giggling, and when they finally moved on, the guy would have ribbons in his hair and a bunch of lipstick graffiti all over his face.

Some of the older guys looked more uncomfortable, hanging out at the edges of the gym and trying to hide, like any minute they might have to fight for their lives.

Percy just looked around, running his eyes through the crowd of people looking for his siblings. However, unfortunately, he noticed Dr. Thorn first who was looking at something past the son of Hades.

He looked in the direction in which he was looking and saw the demigods, who also were looking at something past Thorn.

He looked to his right and froze in his tracks. There they were. Bianca and Nico.

His sister wore a floppy green cap, trying to hide her face. They both had dark silky hair and olive skin, and they used their hands a lot as they talked. Nico was shuffling some kind of trading cards. His sister seemed to be scolding him about something. She kept looking around like she sensed something was wrong.

The hair on Percy's neck stood up as he saw the vice principal look at him. He realized that in the entire crowd of dancing people, he and the group of demigods had been singled out. He had to do something.

He quickly grabbed a girl who was roaming alone on the floor and placed a hand on her waist. "May I have this dance?"

The girl smiled and placed her hand on his shoulder as they danced to Jesse McCartney's songs as Percy kept sneaking glances at the demigods.

The teenager in front of him wasn't bad-looking. She was dressed in a black shirtdress with minimal makeup which enhanced her features. But, Percy wasn't here to find girls, he had to rescue his siblings.

"Whom you looking at, tiger?" She asked as Percy turned back to her.

"No... no, I was just see—" Percy was cut off by the girl's seductive smirk. "I'm still here."

She stood on her toes and pressed her lips to his and immediately Percy felt something wrong. He hadn't kissed many girls but he knew that his lips weren't supposed to feel like he had just put on wasabi lipstick.

But that's what it felt like.

His lips started to burn as he pulled back. When he did, he saw that there was an entirely different girl in front of him. Her hair was blond and he eyes were toxic green.

"Wh-what?" Percy asked bewildered as wisps of green smoke left his mouth. He started coughing, trying to expel the toxic fumes from inside his body.

The girl smiled seductively and vanished, saying just one sentence, brandishing her fangs. "Your lips are tasty."

Percy sighed as he pushed his way to the makeshift bar that the school had set up at the side of the room and asked for two bottles full of water and emptied one of them on himself. He drank the second bottle and immediately, felt better.

His bleeding and cracked lips healed as his coughing stopped. After a two seconds break, he turned around to search for his siblings but froze in his tracks as they were nowhere to be seen. Neither was Thorn.

His eyes narrowed and his blood chilled. About fifty feet away, lying on the gym floor, was a floppy green cap just like the one Bianca di Angelo had been wearing. Near it were a few scattered trading cards.

Then, Percy caught a glimpse of Dr. Thorn. He was hurrying out a door at the opposite end of the gym, steering the di Angelo kids by the scruffs of their necks, like kittens.

He looked around to look for the group of demigods but didn't see them anywhere until he looked back to the gate, seeing one of them, Hector, probably, running inside. Percy sighed and bolted in his direction.

The door led into a dark hallway. He could hear the sounds of scuffling up ahead, then a painful grunt.

He could see Hector take out a pen from his pocket and uncap it. The son of Hades gasped silently as he saw the writing instrument grow and expand into a three-foot-long celestial bronze blade.

The sword cast a glowing light on the lockers around them.

He jogged down the corridor, and Percy followed until the came in front of the gate. They stopped and looked at each other, a nod of understanding passed between them as they both opened the door at the same time.

They couldn't see Dr. Thorn anywhere, but there on the opposite side of the room were the di Angelo kids, Percy's siblings. They stood frozen in horror, staring right at them.

Percy advanced slowly, followed by Hector who lowered the tip of his sword.

"It's okay. We're not going to hurt you."

They didn't answer. Their eyes were full of fear, filling Percy's mind with a certain level of unease.

"My name's Hector," The son of Poseidon said, trying to keep his voice level. "And this is..."

"Percy," The son of Hades supplied and then added. "We're going to take you out of here, get you somewhere safe."

Bianca's eyes widened. Her fists clenched. Percy understood, of course, but he understood too late as he whirled around and something went WHIIISH!

Pain exploded in his shoulder. A force like a huge hand yanked him backward and slammed him to the wall.

Hector tried to slash with his sword but there was nothing to hit. Soon, a second projectile was fired which hit the son of Poseidon in the stomach as he groaned.

A cold laugh echoed through the hall. "Yes, a child of the underworld and the sea together?" Dr. Thorn asked. "Oh, don't be so shocked. I know who you are. Who both of you are."

Percy could see Hector try to free himself. His coat and shirt were pinned to the wall by some kind of spike—a black dagger-like projectile about a foot long.

Dr. Thorn stepped into the dim light. He still looked human, but his face was ghoulish. He had perfect white teeth and his brown/blue eyes reflected the light of the moonlight.

"Thank you for coming out of the gym," he said. "I hate middle school dances."

Hector tried to swing his sword again, but before Percy could stop him, a second projectile shot from somewhere behind Dr. Thorn. He didn't appear to move. It was as if someone invisible were standing behind him, throwing knives.

Next to them, Bianca yelped. The second thorn impaled itself in the stone wall, half an inch from her face as Percy growled.

"All three of you will come with me," Dr. Thorn said. "Quietly. Obediently. If you make a single noise, if you call out for help or try to fight, I will show you just how accurately I can throw."

A/N:- So, how did you like it? Let me know in the reviews! Bye! Have a nice day!

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