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                                                                      A BLACK HEART Chapter 18
A/N:- Well... I'm just saying this in advance... this might not be the best chapter, but this is the best I have come up with after five days of deep thinking and changing the idea at least six times... if I have time left, then I'll tell you guys the scrapped ideas in the A/N at the end! Thank you! Have a nice read!

"So... last time, we crashed a funeral, this time we're crashing an engagement... are we gonna crash a birthday the next time?" Jason joked as they all walked to the site of the party.

"Who knows?" Percy said, dressed in a black suit with a sea green tie.

"Focus on the present, man," Reyna said, who herself was dressed in a silver gown.

The son of Jupiter was wearing a blue suit with a bouquet in his hands to provide to the bride. "I don't have a present!"

Percy and Reyna rolled their eyes as they entered a huge lawn-type of thing that was entirely decorated with balloons and whatnot. All in all, it really looked like an engagement of a normal person and not a future mafia boss.

Though, Percy found the evening to be an odd time to hold such a party.

People, all dressed in colorful suits were surrounding them, and in the middle stood the couple.

Assunta Maresca's Grandson, Luca Maresca, and the daughter of a famous businessman, Alessandra Gonzalves. They looked quite happy and quite in love with each other.

And, the thing about the guards, Percy wasn't sure how many were there. But he did know that none of these were innocent and had committed several crimes as well. And that all of them deserved to die.

On a superficial level, however, no one seemed to be armed or trained to fight. But several people appeared jittery and tensed as if they knew something bad was going to happen. Percy didn't give that much thought though as he kept walking.

The plan, however, was simple. One head had to fly. The rest would follow. But first, they had to merge in.

They didn't need to manipulate the mist as Percy went up to the makeshift bar and grabbed two drinks, knowing Jason wouldn't consume alcohol.

"Alcohol doesn't affect us, man!" Percy had tried explaining to him.

But he never listened.

Reyna took a sip of her wine and asked Percy as they stayed on the outskirts of the party. "When do we start?"

Luca had just slipped the ring onto Alessandra's finger as Percy smirked. "Now. You guys know what to do, right?"

Reyna and Jason nodded as Percy took out two hunting knives. A gift from Apollo and Artemis. He sighed. He didn't really want to use them, but he couldn't reveal his identity as a demigod yet.

Percy rushed into the crowd, twirling the knives in his fingers as he sliced and stabbed through the hordes as he moved in one single direction, straight towards the couple.

It was as if time had slowed down as he cut through the people who didn't even realize that they had been wounded or killed.

He sped through in a dazed craze as he laughed maniacally at the blood bath, red liquid falling everywhere including his face as he dug deeper.

Soon, he saw Luca turning to him, a look of horror on his face as Percy's blade hit the portion right above his collarbone and easily and swiftly, sliced his head right off of his shoulders.

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