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                                                                       A BLACK HEART Chapter 21
A/N:- So, yeah... there's going to be action in this chapter! Lots of it! Hope you enjoy!

Percy stood there, menacingly as Maresca taunted him.

"What happened? You won't drop down from there? Cat got your tongue?"

Percy smirked. "I was, but now that you've mentioned it... I want to see you make me come down!"

Assunta smiled and a huge black colored snake rose up in the air from the ground and gulped the demigod whole.

But, as expected the serpent burst into numerous tiny pieces but the goal was achieved. Percy Jackson was in the air, and as he was falling, the tiny bits of the snake shifted form into numerous murderous piranhas and covered the son of Poseidon.

Those too met with the same fate as Percy landed on his knees. But before he could get up, a hand hit his back, and suddenly, out of nowhere, flames appeared.

They engulfed the demigod's body and covered it all as Maresca turned around and jump-kicked his fiery body back into the wall as dust and smoke rose up causing Reyna and Jason to gasp and cough.

Before the smoke dissipated, a voice came from behind, a fried piranha in his mouth, his canines on display. "Is that all?"

The mafia boss just smirked, laughing internally at her foolishness, of course, this guy was not going to go down with just flames. But before she could think what next to do, Percy was on top of her, his blazer burning and his fist raised, and as it connected, Maresca almost thought that it was going to tear her face off.

She flew back into a series of walls and before she could hit the ground, Percy, who was standing there, held up his hands like he was Iron Man ready to deal damage with his repulsors, as his arms glowed brightly and a massive beam of flames aimed straight at Maresca hit her.

The entire scenario was bright for a few seconds and then turned dark again as they all could see Maresca standing there, leaning against the wall in the middle of a lot of smoke, coughing, her shirt burning and in tatters.

"Ok, now how did you do that?" She asked, trying to get up as she spit out ichor.

Percy grinned as he took off his blazing blazer, showing off his biceps. "Just something that I got from my mother's side."

Assunta laughed as she grabbed her shirt and tore it off since the burning shreds were hindering her, revealing her black sports bra and toned abs as Reyna gasped audibly, earning a sad look from Percy. "I told him to fire proof my clothes! But at least, my Van Heusens are safe! Wanna go for some hand-to-hand combat next?"

Percy smirked. "Thought you'd never ask!"

With that, the two lunged at each other. Hands and legs flying in the air with blinding speed, so much so that Jason couldn't even keep track of anything except for the occasional burst of gold or red blood.

Maresca grabbed his leg and threw him into the air but Percy intercepted the next move and Volleyball smashed her straight into the ground.

Before he could land however, Maresca rolled to the left and jumped, her hand on his head as they twirled in the air and Percy got thrown into another wall.

The son of Hades ducked under a volley of fire cannons as his fist connected directly with her chin, in an uppercut as black and red lightning surged from his arm and straight into her head, her eyes widened, Maresca's body spasming with electricity as she flew in the air.

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