always being with her

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melania woke up at 4:30 in the morning with severe pain in her side

Donald immediately woke up when he stopped feeling her next to him "what's up babe?"

"My left side hurts a lot" Melania rubbed "it hurts too much"

Donald could see in Melania's face that the pain was very strong "come let's get dressed we'll go to the hospital"


"Mrs. Trump" the doctor returned after doing many tests on Melania "there is a 99% probability that this is a kidney stone, but to be more sure we will do a CT scan"

Melania nodded as her eyes filled with tears.

"Hey baby, what's up?" Donald sat across from her.

"I'm scared Donald" she cried

"No, Melania" he hugged her "you are very strong precious, you are the most warrior woman I have ever met in my life, you can handle this precious" he hugged her before they came looking for her

he also felt a little afraid, he did not know what was going to happen but he remained strong for her

After 20 minutes, the doctors returned with Melania "we have the result, it's an eight-millimeter stone, it's not that big but it hurts when the stone tries to pass through the renal tract to be expelled " the doctor was talking to Donald " we can do surgery or try to get Mrs. trump to expel her "

Donald looked at melania "can we try to get her expelled?"

"Sure, I'll write you a prescription for of course a few days off from work as First Lady" she smiled at Melania "and for analgesic medicines and also and very important three liters of water per day for two weeks, if this does not work we will go to the old reliable surgery "

"Excellent really thank you very much doctor" Donald smiled at the doctor and then helped melania up from the table "everything will be fine baby"


Melania spent the whole week in a lot of pain and without being able to expel her

"Melania, baby, we have to go again" he took her hands

"No, please no, I'm so scared Donald" she cried and he broke his heart.

"Mel, I'll be there waiting for you and praying a lot for you, I promise baby, everything will be fine, besides it's for your own good" he smiled at her reassuringly.

"fine" she agreed and they both went back to the hospital

They let melania spend the night to adjust and in the morning they came back for her

"are you ready mrs trump?" the doctor asked smiling at him "these types of surgeries are done all the time, and they always turn out great"

"I'm a little nervous" Melania smiled a little "but I'm ready"

After two hours in the operating room, the doctor came out "everything is great, Mrs. Trump is extremely strong, we'll take her to the room, we'll see you there."

Donald sat next to melania and sighed "you are very strong baby, you did it"

After a few hours, Melania woke up vomiting all the anesthesia

"I had surgery" Melania cried into Donald's shoulder

Donald couldn't help but laugh "they did baby, the doctor said you're extremely strong but he still hasn't said when you can come home"

Melania didn't speak, she just kept crying "I still can't believe it" she spoke after a few minutes

"Baby, it's over now, see?" tell me "was the anesthesia fast?"

"Yes" she answered as he fixed her bed so she could sit comfortably "I could barely hear a little inside the operating room but it's horrible there and it's very cold"

"I imagine it must be horrible there, but look now you are here without a stone and with not so much pain anymore" he smiled at her and stroked her hair.

"I love you Melania" he kissed her

"I love you so much baby" she hugged him "and really thank you very much because you are here accompanying me, and loving me"

"You are very special to me, princess, I will always be there for you" he smiled at her "Now why don't you eat a little?"

"Yes, please, I'm starving" she smiled looking at the plate of food

after dinner donald sat next to the table and held melania's hand until she fell asleep he knew she didn't like hospitals so he was by her side all night

"I love you too much Melania"

Melania and Donald short stories Where stories live. Discover now