summer trip

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"Are you sure that Barrón can't come?" Melania asked her husband a little sad

"No, I'll take it for the next trip I promise baby" he smiled at her "now let's go"

For this summer Donald had decided to buy a yacht just for him and his girl, fun was guaranteed , Cook together, relax together, and get more done

They arrived at the port and they both got very happy on their yacht

"It's beautiful" Melania exclaimed looking at the decoration inside "you really did a good job Don" she smiled at him

"Yes but wait until you see the most beautiful view" Donald took her hand and led her upstairs.

"It's beautiful" Melania smiled and took Donald's hand quite tightly

Donald looked at her "what's wrong baby?" Whenever she did that it was because she was afraid of something.

"This makes me a little dizzy" Melania complained.

Donald took her by the waist and hugged her to make her feel more secure

"I love you" Melania smiled.

"Me too baby" Donald smiled and kissed her head.


"We only have one day?" Melania asked

"Yes" Donald smiled "there are some fun activities but unfortunately it's only one day, I'll see that we can go on a cruise with Barron next week "

"Okay" Melania smiled "but now what are we going to do?"

"Shall we go out to sunbathe?" He asked smiling at the idea of ​​having his wife in a bikini

They both changed and went up again "I'll try not to fall asleep"

"don't you dare" Donald laughed "maybe we can swim later"

After about an hour they both went down to swim

"It's fun but it scares me" Melania whispered

"Don't be afraid baby" Donald took her by the waist and gave little turns with her "nothing will happen to you while I'm here"

"ohh, I love you so much Donald John Trump " she smiled and kiss him

They both swam, splashed and had a blast until they got on the yacht to get ready for dinner.

"Babe !" Donald exclaimed looking at her "you look beautiful"

"thanks baby, you look very handsome yourself too" she winked and smiled "come on"

they both went down to dinner always smiling and flirting as always "Mrs. Trump" he smiled helping her to sit down

"thank you sir" she smiled

They both had dinner remembering many past times, remembering the day Donald bought a cruise and Melania almost killed him or special and tender days like the day Barrón was born

Then Donald invited her to dance with him and she accepted.

"It's been a long time since we danced" she laid her head on his chest.

"Yes, I'm sorry I've been so busy lately baby, I know I haven't been around a lot but that doesn't change how much I love you or Barron" he hugged her.

"It's ok baby, it's absolutely understandable it's your job and you love it and it's ok" she smiled "I love you baby"

He kissed her and she deepened the kiss as he lowered his hands and squeezed her behind.

She moaned and he smiled "I love that part of you" he kissed her neck leaving small marks.

"You better not leave marks Donald! The makeup is in the suitcase and I won't be able to take it out until I get home" she acted like she was being firm but she actually loved him doing that

"You know you love it, hot mom." He sat her down on the table And lifted up her dress a little

"Don, this is very risky, anyone can enter right now" she tried to separate him.

He laughed "not this time babe" he spread their legs apart and dove in there

After a few minutes someone knocked on the door "Mr. Trump?"

"Shit Donald!" she exclaimed

"Don't worry my love, I have this" he looked at her while they penetrated her and covered her mouth "what's wrong?"

"Is everything okay there? You were supposed to leave 15 minutes ago"

"Yeah, we just didn't have time to eat dinner on time, we're finishing up," Donald spoke.

"Well, we'll wait for you outside." The person spoke from the other side.

"did you hear that ?" Donald looked at melania "we have approximately 10 minutes"

After 20 minutes they both left

"Are you okay Mr. Trump?" One of his bodyguards asked looking at him

"Yes. With my wife we ​​had a problem but we already solved it" Donald took his wife by the hand

"We all understand the problem" one of the bodyguards whispered and smiled "his wife's neck says it all"

"Listen to me, Donald John" Melania turned around before getting into the car "if those damn bodyguards are laughing at me because you decided to leave marks, when I get home I'm going to kill you With my own hands, do you understand?

"Yes baby" he smiled, thinking that he was already dead.

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