daddy's girlfriend part 2

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"I'm sure she's trying to replace you and Tiffany" Ivanna exclaimed in the car on the way to dinner with Donald and Melania

"Don't say that mom, Melania is a good girl and besides me and Tiffany are daddy's daughters" Ivanka replied


"Melania this is Ivanna my ex-wife" Donald smiled at melania giving him the confidence to greet ivanna

"the mother of his three oldest children" Ivanna smiled arrogantly

"You have beautiful children" Melania smiled sympathetically.

"I know, not everyone gives these kinds of children, well, girl, what do you do with your life? Do you clean houses or something?" Ivanna asked again

"I'm a Model" Melania was beginning to stress Ivanna was very arrogant

"ah" Ivanna looked her up and down "however you don't have the poise"

"good !" Donald interrupted "what are we going to have for dinner?"

"for us, a grilled chicken and for you" Ivanna looked at melania again "I think you should eat a salad, you've gained some weight since the last time I saw you in a magazine, which by the way was It's been a long time, aren't you so famous anymore?

Melania raised her eyebrows and I look at her "I've been in many magazines but maybe you don't have the budget to pay the entrance fee for one of them"

Donald, Tiffany and Ivanka couldn't help but laugh at Ivanna's face when Melania decided to be a bitch too.

"That's our girl" Ivanka and Tiffany said at the same time

"Apparently there was nothing better on the market" Ivanna repeated as she looked at Donald

"Unfortunately not" Donald replied "Melania was my best investment"

Melania looked at Donald surprised.

"When dad says that, he means that you're the best thing he's seen in a long time." Tiffany clarified things for Melania.

Melania looked at the girl nodded and smiled "thank you beauty"

"What about the agencies, Melania? Does anyone look for a skinny skeleton like you?" Ivanna asked drinking some wine

"Of course not. Some look for arrogant people like you, honey, but I'm not judging your envy, we don't all have the same luck" Melania smiled at her

"coming from a country as poor as Slovenia I did not expect more from you"

"It's not a poor country, in fact it's one of the most natural and beautiful, you see why I've turned out like this" Melania laughed "and if you'll excuse me, finish with this dinner" Melania looked at her boyfriend "Donald we're leaving!"

"Tiff, you're going with us too" Melania looked at the girl "now"

Tiffany and Donald followed Melania closely

"Are you mad or something, Mel?" Donald asked "you don't look good at all"

"I'm perfectly fine, why? Do you think all those stupid criticisms were going to affect me? It's been a long time since I put an overcoat on myself so that nothing and NO ONE dares to affect me "

"Fine, fine, I didn't say anything" Donald opened the car door for Tiffany and then for Melania who seemed to be quite upset.

"Leave me at my house" Melania spoke after a few minutes

"what?" Donald asked confused "I thought you were going to stay at my house"

Melania didn't answer and Donald looked at her again as he parked the car at the edge of the road.

"Really mel? Ivanna is nothing more than an envious snake that feeds on other people's weakness, that's how she is and you shouldn't let her be like that with you, you were a real boss there with your answers, Ivanna is nothing but a fool" he smiled at her

"fine" Melania also smiled at him and kissed him

"eeemmmm" Tiffany cleared her throat "I'm small but I'm not stupid. Do you think you can save your make-out session for later at home?"

both adults nodded and laughed "sorry tiff" Melania laughed again

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