watching dad

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"do you think dad has a new girlfriend?" Tiffany asked Ivanka

"I don't know, the other day I saw a mark on his neck" Ivanka looked at Tiffany "a hickey"

"Yeah, and he's been gone a long time too" Tiffany added

"We have to spy on him" Ivanka smiled "we can follow him wherever he goes"


That night both girls followed Donald to where he was, in a restaurant with a pretty pretty girl and clearly very different from Ivana or Marla.

"Who is she ?" Tiffany asks

"I don't know, how about we get closer?"

They both approached and sat at a table behind them, both had dressed up quite well

"Do you really think they're both nice to me?" the girl asked Donald

"Yes, Melania, they're both going to love you" Donald smiled at her, taking her hand.

"FUCK" Ivanka almost spat out her drink

"THAT ?" Tiffany asked desperately "what happened? did they hold hands yes but what else?"

"She's Melania Knauss, she's from Slovenia, she's a pretty famous model here in New York, she moved here 3 years ago," Ivanka replied.

"And he's already dating daddy" Tiffany exclaimed in shock.

"Of course Tiff, dad is Donald Trump, she wants his fame, plus she and mom have a pretty big rivalry" Ivanka looked at her sister "I refuse to love her" (the rivalry is fiction)

"But she seems like a nice person, she's very cute and sweet with daddy" Tiffany smiled at Ivanka.

"No, no, no, Tiff we shouldn't love her, she's a bad person who's looking to replace our mothers, she's horrible" Ivanka was trying to turn Tiffany against Melania

"No one can replace my mom" Tiffany crossed her arms "I'm never going to love her again"

"never" Ivanka smiled

"Ivanka I think you should know that dad is coming here" Tiffany pointed and they both hurried out of there

They both arrived at Trump Tower and Donald arrived later, they were sitting on the sofa watching television when Donald entered with Melania

"New babysitter?" Tiffany asked trying to hide

"No, girls, this is Melania, she's my girlfriend" Donald smiled at them.

"oh my god I'm delighted to -" Tiffany was nudged by her sister

"it doesn't make a difference" Ivanka exclaimed

"Girls, I know it's hard but Melania will be very good to you" Donald looked at Melania "I'll leave you while I take a shower" he smiled at her.

the three girls were left alone

"Do you have siblings Melania?" Tiffany asked with her charming tone what upset Ivanka so much

"Yes, I have a brother who is 46 and a sister who is 36" she smiled at Tiff "and you?"

"Yes" answered Ivanka "we have brothers and that's all"

"you are both beautiful, Donald is very lucky to have you" Melania smiled.

"You're also beautiful Melania" Tiffany smiled at her.

"tiff" Ivanka whispered and pulled her hair a little.

"No" Tiffany turned around "I'm not going to be mean to her, Melania is a good girl and I like her, forget it I won't be mean" Tiffany exclaimed as she hugged Melania

"Forget it, you're spoiled" Ivanka entered her room

"She is Ivanna's daughter" Tiffany commented to Melania

"Oh, yes, I remember Ivanna, I talked to her enough, I knew that Donald had children with her but I didn't know that he had a mini Ivanna in his life" Melania smiled.

Tiffany laughed "how long have you been going out with my dad?"

"No, actually we've been going out together for about five months" Melania smiled.

"Will you stay to sleep?" Tiffany asked excitedly "we can watch movies or play, what do you think?"

"I think it's great, but you have school tomorrow and you have to go to sleep tiff" Melania smiled at her "we can play tomorrow"

"what's up girls?" Donald walked into the living room and hugged Tiff "what happened to Ivanka?"

"She didn't want to spend time with Melania." Tiffany shrugged.

"I'll talk to her tomorrow, now go to sleep princess, tomorrow you have to go to school" Donald hugged her "good night"

"good night dad, good night melania" Tiffany smiled as she left the room.

"Tiff is very cute" Melania smiled leaning against Donald

"Yes, she's amazing, Ivanka is too, but she's a bit stubborn" Donald looked at Melania and smiled at her.

"I love you Don" Melania hugged him

"I love you too Mel" he smiled at her and kissed her

"oh really ?" Ivanka exclaimed almost fuming from the door.

"what ?" Donald looked at her

"Are you making out with her at my house?" Ivanka asked very angry

"Oh no, it's not your house, young lady, it's my house and I can do what I want"

"but Dad !" Ivanka grumbled

"what is the problem?" Donald asked crossing his arms.

"You're trying to replace mom and this isn't fair" Ivanka cried.

"No, that's not true and don't play the victim, me and your mother have been divorced for a long time" Donald replied

"You are also going to replace me" Ivanka whispered, covering her face with her hands.

"never !" Donald responded by removing his hands from her daughter's face "you and Tiffany are the women of my life, I will never replace them, I'm just looking for the happiness of a new marriage ,I love you both so much and I will never in my life replace you with a woman, because you know what?" Donald stared at her.

"what?" Ivanka asked

"Women come and go, but daughters will be there forever, no one will ever replace you because you are my daughters and you are irreplaceable" Donlad dried her tears "Don't be afraid daughter, you will always be daddy's girl" Donald hugged her

"I love you dad" Ivanka hugged her father

"I love you too" Donald smiled but now you have to do something, he pointed to melania

"oh" Ivanka approached melania "I'm so sorry for being so rude, I hope if you can make dad happy and welcome to the family" Ivanka hugged her

"Oh honey, it's okay, I understand it's hard for your dad to get a new girlfriend, but don't worry I'm not here to replace anyone" Melania hugged her smiling

"thank you" Ivanka smiled "good night to both of you"

"good night" Melania and Donald replied

"Did I already tell you that I love you ?" Donald approached and kissed her "you're the best"

"I love you too Don, and nothing to do with it, you are the best" She smiled returning the kiss

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