Chap 1: Home away from home

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Caution verbal and physical abuse* may trigger

Music for the best experience ;))

Faster faster! That's all Kari could hear, her legs were numb and cold as she raced through the puddles onto the damp ground.
She ran from home a common occurrence as the 17 year old often did. Her light jeans now soaked a dark blue which felt heavier then ever. Her once beautiful face sneered with blood as her features disappeared beneath the metallic substance. "Great" she thought aloud as she reached for her forehead cut and immediately regretted it. She couldn't go home not after that.
Her dad left when she was born, never remembering him or knowing him, she was left with nothing less but a substance abuser for a mother because that was well, the only way she coped. Many shitty "stepfathers" filtered through her life like a day spent gambling, her mom just using them like the drugs she did. Hoping it would numb the pain. However it meant Kari taking the blunt of it every single day with no way to escape she ran and as she got older she spent more and more time out, it first started a day, then a night then more nights.

She was a brilliant girl, straight A's in class and was on track for a full ride scholarship. She had no friends evidently as these things seem to happen. This last time she came home from school she opened the door to her mother's home as the door creaked along the hard wood floor she Froze and scrunched her face hoping he wasn't home. She managed to dodge her mom busy watching tv probably high. She darted to her room and shut the door.

Then she heard the sudden sound of foot steps. Heavy foot steps she knew what that meant. As she fought against time, she shuffled her through her bag found her binder and opened it her hand shaking violently as she pretended to work on home she didn't have. As it went quiet she thought brad went to the washroom hoping he didn't know she was home. Sucking in a deep ridged breath she tried to settle. Next thing she knew her bedroom door had a hole through it with brads fist on the other side. She jumped back and tried to stay calm hoping her presence wouldn't startle him or set him off.

But she was wrong. As he approached her he gritted his teeth and grabbed her as she frantically grabbed at her blankets onto anything she struggled to hold on brad harshly with one pull had her on the floor. Landing on her head Kari picked herself up and a hand rose to her forehead she was bleed tremendously. As the fury rose in brad he grabbed on of her trophies off of the shelf and threw it at her as hard as her could. Hitting her nose as the trophy wobbled on the floor Kari got up quickly, blood furiously rushing down her face and quickly draining her features she ran to her closet stuffed her bag full. Brad watching as this took place with an evil grin he left the room and muttered "hail hydra"

Kari couldn't think all she could do was pack and pack thanking her stars it was the weekend and she wouldn't have to miss class, because sadly enough that was her only relief from this lifestyle she needed to flee. She grabbed her life savings $745 not much but after all those years of doing lunch monitor and the odd jobs for her neighbours after school it was all the 17 year old had.
  "That'll have to do" and with a huff she grabbed her bag and ran out the door, blistering wind hitting her face "if you leave this time don't come back you little bitch" brad screamed after her. Karis mother now coming into view, peeking past her door way. "Your no better then your fucking father you piece of shit, if I could go back you know I wouldn't have kept you huh? Your the reason we live in this dump and your the REASON IM HOOKED ON DRUGS" her mother screamed at her. Kari began crying "mom I-I" unable to form a sentence merely words that was the last time she would see her mother.

She slammed stage door and took off into the forest hoping for her mind to carry her father then her legs could. After about 2 hours of walking and dusk sweeping the streets Kari found a small family run grocery story with it look like some kind of Motel attached.
It wasn't nearly what she was hoping for but her body ached, she needed medical attention and to face facts she had little money. Her forehead still bleeding profusely she entered the small run down store and began grabbing a few bags of chips a Pepsi, pizza pops and by her luck she managed to grab the last fist aid kit. As she put her stuff up on the register she pulled her hood up hoping the clerk didn't see her massive wound.


As my forehead was covered I unloaded my basket hoping not to spend more than $120 including my stay. "Are there rooms available for rent?" I asked not looking up from my wallet. The clerk had a shocked expression on her face.

"Well dear yes we do have some vacancy I would need your ID to make sure your 18+ and our rooms are $75 per night tv not included but there complementary wifi" she gleamed. I sighed "well here's the thing ma'am I can give you my ID but you see I'm not 18 until next month and I don't have anywhere to go and I got a pretty bad cut" I said hanging her my ID and revealing my cut. She jumped back "ok miss here's the deal I don't normally make exceptions," she paused "but we could use the business and it looks like your in pretty rough shape, the longest I can let you stay is for two nights after that I'm afraid you'll have to figure something else out." Kari nodded gratefully. "I do appreciate it miss thank you." I signed the papers payed for my two nights stay and food well and with that burner phone it, ran me up $203 more then I had wanted to spend but counted my lucky stars because somehow I was able to find a soft place for the night.

I walked up the steps my head throbbing as the adrenaline wore off nearly falling at the top of the steps I put my keys in the room that read "205" I opened the door to find an old mini fridge, which I put my things in immediately, locking the door, I grabbed the first aid kit and opened the bathroom door, it was tiny maybe 14 squared feet but probably less.
I opened the first aid kit revealing stitches, scissors, band aids, alcohol, cotton swabs and a few other things I greatly needed. Blood still pooling from the wound I grabbed some toilet paper and put pressure on the wound scrunching my face up at the incredible pain. I put cleanex up my nostrils to stop that bleeding and began stitching my forehead.

POV change 3rd person

Kari had no experience stitching, she feared pain and had absolutely no idea what she was doing the only valid stitching she learned was in home economics last year and that was on some fabric. She winced as the needle went in and out a steady pattern the 17 year old feared. She cried out every time without fail. After being able to bare no more she managed to put in 6 stitches and doused it with alcohol. Popping an Advil she didn't even eat she feel asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow.

Word count - 1325

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