Monitor beep*

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Beep beep beep
Stillness surrounded by white walls. No honking horns just ears ringing through the silence.
"Are you really celebrating your 18th this way?" The subconscious had a funny way of waking people up.
Fingers twitched on the blank white sheet as sun glazed in through the window.
Inaudible noises came from the occupants bed.
"Sir I believe miss lilac is stirring"
Tony jumped from his place in the kitchen dropping his coffee on the island making it spill slightly.

      Racing down the hall he slide into Karis room. Tony slowly and quietly slipped into his daughters room.
    He made it to the chair on her beside before she stirred some more.

Watching his daughter he ran over all of her features in his mind as she lay still. Her beautiful pale complexion was bruised brutally, she hardly looked recognizable, her eyes were sunken in and her veins seemed to glow.
     Her blonde out grown hair that he remembered was now an icy silver blonde and it shimmered upon the suns touch.
   As Tony was about to leave the youngest stark sat up. Her eyes squinting and her pupils retreating to their normal size.
   Tony spun on his heels relieve to hear coughing.
   "Kari, how nice of you to finally wake up. It's not like we were worried or anything"
Tony's voice dripping with sarcasm as he hides his relief.
           "You know me, I found the best way to celebrate my 18th birthday... in a hospital bed. I must take after someone in this room."
  "You know I have no idea how you wake up and choose so much sarcasm. The big 1-8 huh?  What are you getting up to this evening?"
      "Oh Tony I don't know! I thought hmmm maybe I would fly off to Canada to celebrate my birthday. You know as I'm in such a partying state"   Gestures toward the bed.
        "Huh well I had a better idea, unless miss feeling sorry for herself doesn't want to hear it, I know when I'm wanted." Tony smirked as he turned to walk away.
      "Let's hear it, can't be worse then what I'm dealing with."
     "Can you walk or shall I push you around in that lovely bed of yours, I mean it truly is existential, did you see this?" Tony grabs the remote attached to the bed
     "It has 4 settings here let's try"
"No no uh Tony, I can't walk or I'll give it a shot"
As Kari put her legs over the bed side Tony lowered the bed. She noticed she was in a hospital gown. Great.
"Here let me help you out, what kind of a person would I be if I watched you struggle anymore?"
      "Tony I know, I know your my father. How long did you know?" I asked as i put weight on my right leg my face contoured in pain.
"You good there sunshine?"  Tony grabbed her arm.
   "I'm fine I'm good just might be a slow start, sorry to delay your plans."
   "Not at all wait here for a minute"
"Tony come on what now I'm just standing up for the first time."
    "I might have something for that"
He went to the room next door all I could hear was him rummaging through some drawers.
      Great time to lose something!
   "Is your Iv still in? Arm out"
I put my arm out, before I knew what he was doing he rifled something into my iv.
       "Hey! What did you do?!"
I went to take a step towards him and immediately regretted it.
   "What did I do for you? Sit down, you'll be a lot better in a couple minutes."
   "Really Tony I'm disappointed, I thought it would be a couple seconds with all your stark tech!"
     "Hey!"  I gave her an offended look, man she's hard to crack, she might take after her old man after all.
"Hey what was that? You know I built this place from the ground right?"
    "Shouldn't be a problem it was only my IV, do you have a sharps bin for this?"
I dangled the needle in front of him
    "I'll take that, Friday ready?"
"Yes sir"  and with that Tony dropped the needle only to have it retrieved by his AI.
       "Wow your right this is the good stuff"
Kari walked past Tony.  Before we do anything I need new clothes. Can Friday help with that?" I said partially kidding.
     "Well she could have but I didn't think it was right to take your measurements as you slept or rather drifted into a forced coma, you know."
   "Ah well thanks for sparing me, but the matter of my clothes?"   I turned a slight shade of red, I hated asking for anything. Even though it wasn't much I couldn't be bothered to put other people out, for my comfort.
      "Ah yes this way madam, are you walking? Is that what I hear? Oh I think I also heard, thank you Tony for what you did for me?"
"Yes Tony. Thank you. For what you did for me." And with that we travelled silently until we reached a room at the end of the hallway,

Tony opened the passcoded door only to reveal a closet full of exquisite clothing. He had the biggest smirk on his face as he stepped into the closet.
"Madam Lilac what interests you?"
My jaw dropped.
"I can pick something? Out to wear?"
"Well yeah that's kinda the point, you know to get you out of that hospital gown and besides you sorta stink."
     I immediately flushed.
"I'm kidding, here go ahead Ill let you do your thing. Tell Friday to let me know when your ready. The room on the right is a bathroom with a shower, everything you need really yes makeup too. Later!"  Tony through up the peace sign as he walked away and left me with a closet full of endless options.
   It took my about 30 minutes before I finally decided on the most plain option I could. (Pictured at the top)

I took my new clothing to the bathroom Tony mentioned and placed them on the big counter. I went through some of the drawers until I found a shampoo and conditioner I liked. He was right they had everything I needed.
      I turned the tap on hot and adjusted it before hoping in the shower. The hot water steamed the shower glass and clouded up the entire bathroom. For once I didn't feel apologetic. Or like I was putting anyone out.
I hopped out of the shower and began drying my stitches immediately, they bled slightly but it was far better then the pain I anticipated.
      I slid on some jeans and a black bra.
   I blow dried my hair and added some curls.
Sliding a black sweater I completed the look with some eyeshadow and lipstick.
   My face was still bruised and it looked like I was covering a big shiner under all of it.
   But my lips looked nice.  

"Friday, could you let Tony know I'm ready for whatever he planned" I was just putting on mock pearl earrings when I heard Friday;
"Miss lilac, Mr.Stark is waiting for you in the living room. There is an elevator to your right once you exit the room, you won't need a code it's been over ridden"
I thanked Friday and took the elevator.
The elevator dinged and I was once again on an unfamiliar floor.
My runners swift and silent as I walked around looking for Tony.
"Friday are you sure I'm on the right;"
"Kari I'm in here! Hurry up this is the first
Time I'm celebrating my daughter birthday"
I walked further until the hallway disappeared and I was in an open room with a couple couches and a big tv. Tony of course was dressed in a dress shit and pants trying to come off as casual?

"Those look much better on you than the hangers, come on now I'm taking you out for a drive unless you impose? I was thinking maybe you could pick the car? You know a little father daughter date"
"That sounds perfect dad"
I followed Tony down a flight of stairs, we were met with a door he typed in several codes all of which I ignored. The door opened revealing that's beautiful garage once more that seemed more like a lair with a lab and lots of cars. I walked around all of them before choosing the r8 e-tron audi.

 I walked around all of them before choosing the r8 e-tron audi

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