Chap 3: New Y...oh

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As Kari left the elevator she bowed to the hero's and immediately scolded herself for being "so weird" making the soldier and agent laugh she blushed profusely.


"Well that was weird I mean she seemed nice enough but more on the timid side, did you see that huge gash on her forehead?" I asked Nat looking over at the red head she seemed lost in thought that was odd for the red headed agent she was normally more "hard to read" i chucked softly, making Nat snap Into reality.
"She had stitches poorly sewn stitches, must've done them herself I alerted tony on the comms, I wonder why she's here. Hopefully he has an answer. " Nat slowly dropped her shoulders and stepped off the elevator as it came to there floor.
     Slowly stepping off I followed Nat. "You stitched your forehead by your own hand didn't you? I saw that look Nat, your not easily rattled what was that really about what's going on?" Slightly on edge she turned to face me hair twirling with her as her black suit hung flawlessly on her.
      I went to speak but she beat me to it. "I don't know but one thing I do know is tony better have more than one eye on her bec-." I turned around to see who was behind me already knowing. "Tony better have an more than an eye on who? What's got you so worked up red, nice suit by the way" he winked and throw his signature stark smirk at her.

   "Well tony there might be a security threat or a hostage situation on floor 15, what exactly is floor 15? for we have reason to susp." "15 is for hiring interviews, F.R.I.D.A.Y give me a brief description". "Widow, Stark I'm going to get Steve, she didn't seem like a threat and he is the only one who may be able to get something out of her"
   with that I walked away tried of stark and heading to the kitchen to find Steve. As I round the corner to the kitchen I hear a fridge door close and greeted with a "hey Bucky what's up?"

As Bucky briefly fills the captain in he nods his head in agreement and heads down to the 15th floor. Meanwhile Kari fiddle her thumbs and rehearsed for her "interview" she was mostly nervous but really excited to be in the stark tower and with the potential of her getting a job her the possibilities where infinite.

    "Oh shit, fuck!! My forehead is bleeding" grabbing my napkin I dabbed at it furiously hoping to god that     
    it would fix its self. Just as I put the blood soaked napkins in my pocket the door opened and I jumped.
Steven and Bucky exchanged glances.

I stood up as they walked up to me they motioned for me to stay seated.
"Ahh miss, miss?" "My name is Kari, Kari lilac pleasure to meet you" she extended her head knowing full and well they weren't the ones to do the interview.
        "We'll miss lilac ah it seems you have a massive gash on your forehead are you alright have you been in some type of altercation recently? would you like us to take you up to the medic? doctor banner is in" Steve's blue eyes wondering between the brunettes blue eyes.  I stood up partly panicking, then suddenly the room went black.

All Steve and Bucky heard was a gasp before they were set in motion grabbing the smaller set women.
Steve walked off the elevator into the med bay with the small woman in his arms, blood dripping from her forehead.  As tony walked up to Steve his eyes widened.
       "What you don't think you can fix that? she still has a pulse tony it doesn't look bad!"  Tony scooped her up from caps arms and took her straight to banner.
Moments later

"How is that even possible tony that was years ago are you sure?"  "Just run the tests banner I need to know, I need to know if she's my daughter." F.R.I.D.AY alarming tony about his fast heart rate and the possibility of a panic attack in the background of his scattered thoughts.

As the young woman lay on the table for examination she was strapped down at the request of Bruce. As he administered the IV he also added some sedative to keep her asleep.
"Kari, her name is Kari. Tony and by the way she didn't seem like much of a fighter from what Nat, Bucky and Myself witnessed do you really need to do that"
     Steve squished his face up in disgust as he notice the restrains, around her small pale wrist as she lay there silently.
"Ah actually that was my idea cap, we have no idea what she's capable of she may be enhanced" Bruce stuttered "really Bruce do you really think she is enhanced what do the tests say?" Tony losing his patience looked over the screen.  "Congratulations you have a daughter" banner smiled.

Tony seemingly in shock ran his hands through his dark hair and sat down eyes wide open deep in thought.
"She's a-a stark? Tony what the hell?" Cap getting more defensive running to the sitting billionaire. "How old is she anyways?" Cap looked up his big blue eyes trying to read banner. "Looks like she's 18. Kari lilac that ring any bells?"

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