Greener grass

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*Read with caution brief mention of sexual assault*

I tipped the driver grabbed Tony's coffee and the tommies breakfast for the team. It smelt good I didn't realize how hungry I had become and bacon with hashbrowns sounded immensely.
   As I struggled with the food and the doors a man couldn't have been more then 25 came up to me and offered me a hand. He grabbed the doors and opened the elevator for me "floor 23 please" Friday responded with a quick "yes ma'am" and we were off. "I would shake your hand right now but seems your hands are full" he smiled at me. "I'm Kari nice to meet you, appreciate you grabbing the door and elevator for me I'm Mr.Starks personal assistant" I nodded hoping the ride was almost over.
   "Oh Tony sure goes after what he wants doesn't he so tell me what's your hourly rate Kari." I sunk into the corner food still in my hands my stomach knotted. I looked at his pass. "Well Mr. soleaman (soul-a-man) I'm afraid I don't know what you mean" the elevator dinged and the doors opened I took advantage of the opportunity and strutted down the hallway. He trailed behind me. "I'm Afraid I must get to work Mark it's only 10:30 and I have a long day ahead of me" I said not looking back my ponytail in full swing.
"Yes you do and it starts with me, I read your file not a whole lot on you is there?" He came up beside me and pinned me against the wall. I went to speak when I was cut off.
     "Your 18 next week so I could be cleared dishonourably and they wouldn't even bat an eye" his hand slid up my thigh I went to move when I was key with hot breathe on my neck. "Your a little tease aren't you, the whole building knows your a Whore why don't you admit it there's no shame it that is there?" You would be nothing without Stark, without this job if you say anything about this your last worry will be finding a job you hear? Life will get really difficult I'm a powerful man and one Tony would trust with his life.
      His hand stopped when It got to my underwear. I took in a shaky breath. "Well darling I'll let you get to it. I would keep wearing those skirts if I were you." He shoved past me leaving me violated and sobbing. I took many deep breathes and then my phone rang. Great it was Tony. "Hey Mr.Stark just getting on to the 23rd I'll see you shortly" I hung up pulled my makeup mirror out and fixed my makeup swiftly and walked into the briefing room after a light knock.
    The team looked up at me. I instantly noticed Bucky was gone. I just hoped he didn't see what had happened. But maybe if he did he'd keep quiet, I mean I seemed to have really set him off earlier.   

Fuck had I already fucked this up? I pushed that thought out of my head I can't afford to be thinking this way. I have one shot and I won't mess this up.
    Though I couldn't shake the feeling I was being watched. Just then the door opens once more and Bucky walks in. "Sorry guys I forgot something in my room." He said nonchalantly sitting at the end of the table. Eyes immediately meeting mine. I meet his gaze and break the gaze first. I put the food on the shelf behind Tony. "Sorry everyone for my lack of professionalism especially on my first day. Never the mind I will be attentively listening" I find my seat next to Tony. "No need to apologize kid your with me remember I own the just well pep owns 16%" he winks at me.
"I was just trying to be polite half the team doesn't know me and the other half aren't so sure of me" I whisper into Tony's ear as he leans slightly towards me. "Great now that everyone is here Miss.Lilac you'll be going on your first mission. You leave Friday. That will be all dismissed." I'm assuming that was fury no one questioned him. Instead everyone went off to grab tommies breakfast and went there separate ways. As I was getting up I grabbed my binder and followed Tony out only to hear him saying to fury. "The kid are you kidding me?! She hasn't even been here a month she's just getting the hang of it here and she's no where near ready for hydra." Tony was irate it scared me. He ripped his glasses off and started massaging his face. "I have a way about these things, she'll be fine Tony after all she's a Stark at heart" he left and Tony was met with me staring intently at him. "What was that about, um I mean I met your friend Mark."

    "Mark? You mean Mr.soleman? Well he's hardly a friend he used to operate for hammer products but I managed to somehow get him here but I was planing on letting him find a new place of employment shall I say? Why what did he say to you?" I looked down and shrugged my shoulders. "Nothing I haven't heard before Mr.Stark" I sighed handing him his cup of coffee. Hmm I wonder what she means by that. I'll check coms and get jar to run the footage she's normally shy but not like that....
"Ok miss.Lilac 2 hours to go and then the day is yours so for the next two hours it looks like you'll be in the training room I won't be present I have somethings to tinker on in the lab but I'll have the screen up and I'll catch moments of your training so no slacking kid got it?
    Train like your life depended on it." He said the last part quietly as we walked into the elevator. "Training floor" and the elevator seemed to respond. "That's incredible people are at least 15 years away from this kind of tech and here you have it! You know Mr.Stark I once animated my moms microwave. Nothing major just rerouted the main hard drives together and a few key words and volia! Though she was very unhappy" Tony took pity on the small teen. Her blonde seeping through the brown. "Training room" the elevator deemed and they set foot into the biggest "gym" Kari had ever seen.
     "Whoa this place is massive! Tony did you I mean build all of this? It's almost overwhelming!" "Your looking at it, alright so Natasha will be your trainer I'm so sorry I told them you weren't ready, I made up a million reasons Kari. I don't want you to think I didn't the thought of you out there haunts me.

However you will just be attending a ball. So we will train you for every scenario possible but that likely won't be the outcome it's useful to have working for this type of organization." Just then the sleek read head walks out with a small grin and her hair in double braids. She's in a black sports bra and tights showing her muscly mid drift sporting a white towel around her neck. "What's this widow I thought you were training the kid don't tell me you had a full work out already?" Tony trying to be upset. Hmm maybe this could work I could train her maybe spending some more one on one time could help, I mean I have to tell her before the mission it's been more than a week already I can't keep it from her much longer...

     Tony and Nat got into a conversation not realizing Kari had stepped up to the punching bag. Bucky was on the top balcony of the gym.
    "Whoa I wouldn't do that you could really hurt yourself" his voice echoed off the walls of the training room, before Nat or Tony could intervene Kari had started drilling into the bag. Making it swing as the beam above creaked she punched harder and harder remembering all the things her mother had said to her all the hurt, anger and fear. Her last punch did it in.
No one loves me I have no one. I have nothing. Karis
   last strike sent the bag flying breaking the chains from the beam and everyone's jaw dropping. As Kari ran up to the bag her feet cover in sand as she looked at the damage she looked back at Tony and Nat and excused herself. "Take it out of my first pay I'm sorry Tony." She quickly ran off to the elevator "floor 18" sobbing she hopped a hot shower would calm her down. As she dragged herself off of the elevator she put her key in the door and went straight in for the shower. Starting it up she let it get nice and steamy before entering, she slid the shower door closed and cried out in pain as the hot water stung her cracked knuckles.

To be continued... is Kari superhuman? Will she be briefed for the next mission? Did Bucky see what Mark did?
Find out in the next chapter

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