Chap 2: morning

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As the sun beamed through the dusty curtains in the Motel room, there lay a still Kari all the lights still on and the fan in the bathroom on. It was around 8:30 in the morning when her phone went off finally startling her. It was an amber alert.
      As she read it she couldn't believe it her mother or god forbid brad made a report of a missing minor matching her exact description minus the blood, panicking Kari shut her phone off and immediately reached for her bag to change. As she through on tights a Jean jacket and her favourite combat boots she walked past her bed and noticed the blood stains spread out across the pillow.
      She grabbed that pillow and her bathroom garbage took it outside and threw it into one of the old garbage cans in the back.

    She reentered her room hoping the lady at the desk isn't rat on her, she grabbed a pizza pop threw it in the microwave and once it dinged at it in two bites "man I'm starving" she said mouth still full of food. Kari grabbed a few things pulled her hood up and walked about 5 blocks until she discovered a park with a single swing.
        She sat there and swung up and down her feet grazing the ground the odd time. Thoughts from last night popped into her head not staying long as she realized in the morning she'd once again have no where to go.

What Kari didn't know was that her dad had never fully lost her where abouts and even though her phone was dead he was on his way. What the 17 year old also didn't know what that her father, was the one and only tony stark. As the sun set and dusk once again over took the small town Kari dragged her aching body back to the motel. She grasped the key and wiggled it for a couple seconds once she made it into her room, she grabbed some cash and went down to the convince store, hoping to grab some chocolate.
As she reached for the cold door handle the bell jingled slightly startling the 17 year old. The clerk noticing her quickly motioned for her to come up to the desk urgency loomed her eyes. "I have to show you something dear" she paused showing Kari the amber alert "it wasn't me dear I didn't rat you out I swear to it" the clerk whispered with concern that the 17 year old wouldn't believe her. "I know" Kari let out a long sigh "I know it wasn't you, thank you for showing me this and I'll be put of your hair first thing in the morning" Kari sheepishly nodded. "I'm sorry dear that I can't have you longer, I really appreciate the business and all but I could be deemed an accomplice and this place has been in my family for over 25 years and I-I..." she trailed off hanging her head low. The clerk obviously didn't have children of her own and looked to be mid 40s. Kari looked to her name tag. Debbie. "It's alright Debbie I assure you thank you anyways for letting me stay this long it all helps. I'll check out tomorrow morning around 11:00 if that's alright" the clerk picked her head up " and as long as the authority's ask you weren't here" with that Debbie winked and Kari left with a handful of snacks not knowing how long she'd be on the run.

Next morning change POV (Kari)

"Ahh another day another dollar I suppose that's how it will go, I wonder what will happen when I run out of cash, I would try to find a job but my gash would draw a lot of attention and with me being wanted or whatever that would be hard to manage. I could always make my way North to Canada and sneak in but no green card there would be worse then looking for a job here, I'll have to go off the grid" Kari concluded

Anxiety ridden I packed my bags slowly looking around my room one final time appreciating everything I had. I made the bed and walk down those steel stairs for the last time opened the cold door handle and dropped my keys off for Debbie. She gave me a sad smile and wished me well. I told her I'd be back to visit and left. I turned my burner phone  on, and as It turns out I was a 3 hour walk outside of New York. I looked up a few places and found that stark industries was hiring a janitor part time and paid decently and it had a potential live in opportunity. "Bonus!!!!" Kari screeched scaring a few birds out from the trees.

It was decided then.
Half way through the trip to New York, Kari stopped at a gas station grabbed a box of hair dye and dyed the front strands of her oak brown locks to a light blonde curled her hair and then she applied some make up both to her face and her forehead cut making it look just like a scratch. "I could pass as presentable" Kari beamed as she approved her new looks the 17 year old continued to embark on her journey.

Changed POV

Once she reached Main Street New York she grabbed a large coffee polished her boots and hailed a cab. "Stark tower please" Kari handed the taxi a 15 and he drove, a couple minutes later Kari stepped outside the taxi thanked the man and found her neck craning upward admiring the beautiful huge building in front of her.
She had never seen anything like it except once on the news when they showed the tower briefly but that was years ago after the whole Loki incident. Avengers where here from time to time Kari could only hope she got the job she was thrilled.
     As she walked into the main doors she was greeted with the hustle and bustle of stark industries. "There had to have been over 100 people alone just in this floor" she thought. Karis blue eyes scanned the floor looking for a way to the 15th floor.
       She began walking, spotting an elevator she ran up to it her boots hardly making a sound, she pushed through a few people that had guns and suspected "those must be agents" she was nervous and excited!

    As she buzzed the elevator to go up it took merely a couple seconds to arrive at the main level, when the elevator opened it revealed much to her surprise Natasha Romanov, and a sweaty Bucky Barnes they were laughing and joking around until they realized the doors opened. Straightening up they looked at Kari and asked her "what floor" Natasha smiling at her. "I uhm the 15 th floor please" Kari stepped in front of the two and turned her back to them to shy to say anything to her hero's. Bucky and Nat both exchanging glances, Nat clicked her comm and sending Tony an alert.

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