(1) 1 year later

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Jake and Neytiri flew through the trees leading their team and letting out war cries as they reach their destination.

"terrestrial team go," Jake said into the comm.

Tyane'nor and Tarsem leading the terrestrial team nodded to each other in confirmation before pushing forward and letting out war cries to signal the rest of their teams to speed up as well and Tarsem threw the bomb at the rails


the train rails exploded, destroying one of the aircraft as well as separating the wagons.

While Jake and Neytiri took the other airships down as the terrestrial team, salvaged what was salvageable of the weapons that were on the train
"Let's go. 2 minutes people, let's go. "


From farther up in the sky Lo'ak and Neteyam surveyed the events happening below them

"Bro we've got to get down there!" Lo'ak said excitedly

"No way Dad will skin us" Neteyam hissed

"Come on don't be a wuss" was the last thing Lo'ak said before plunging his ikran head first

"Lo'ak get back here you-" Neteyam groaned before following suite

Once they reached the ground Lo'ak dismounted and headed towards the train with Neteyam calling after him he didn't listen though he took a gun from one of the Navi and let out his war cry

"you don't even know how to use it" Neteyam scolded

"Dad taught me" Lo'ak answered smugly

"you SKAWNGS!" Tyane'nor called "Which part of do not engage do you not understand!?"

She added as she grabbed the gun from Lo'ak's hand to prevent him from shooting anyone accidentally.

"Tyane'nor! It was my idea I wanted to check out w-"

Tyane'nor scowled "I am not dad, Neteyam. Your lies do not fool me-" she cut herself off with a sigh "Just go I don't want dad to see you here" she waved them off and just as they mounted their ikrans-

"GUNSHIPS INBOUND, FALL BACK" Jake's voice boomed through the battlefield
"GO!" she yelled at her brothers who froze midair staring at the ship approaching.

The second the ikrans wings started flapping she turned towards her dire horse which was running towards her, away from the ship, she ran to it.

the moment her fingers grazed the horse, She heard it, the explosion, the deafening sound of screams that were followed by a wave of heat, an invisible force flung her and her horse into the air

she hit the ground everything went black...


"Tyane'nor" a muffled voice called, she knew that voice she just couldn't put her finger on who it belonged to

"Tyane!" the voice was closer now

"Oh Eywa..." Then a face came into vision, Tarsem

"your leg is stuck I need to free it to be able to move you, but it's gonna hurt like a Hel. but I need you to hold on and no matter what DO NOT close your eyes, okay?" he told her, she blinked to clear her vision and he took it as a yes


"MAR'UAY! OVER HERE!" Tarsem called him and grunted with the effort of trying to remove the dire horse off his girl's leg.


Mar'uay's heart dropped the second he turned to the voice and he saw the scene that unfolded before him; His friend laying motionless on the ground, one of her legs disappearing under a dire horse, Tarsem trying his best but failing to lift the animal off of her leg

"Eywa please no... " Mar'uay muttered under his breath before running towards the two.


"Tarsem" Mar'uay called him "Tarsem look at me"

He didn't, fearing what little progress he made lifting the fallen animal will vanish the second he loses focus

"Tarsem listen to me" Mar'uay told him putting a hand on his shoulder "I'm gonna lift, you're gonna try and pull her from under it when I tell you, Okay?"

Tarsem heasitantly nodded his head

"ok, on three"

"one" Mar'uay put his hands under the animal

"Two" Tarsem got into position behind Tyane and locking his arms around her middle


Mar'uay was bigger than Tarsem, size-wise, which is why when he dug his feet into the ground the horse lifted a bit more off the ground just enough for Tarsem to pull Tyane'nor from under it

"NOW" Mar'uay grunted and this time Tyane's leg came free

"Come on I will help you get her onto your horse"

"Thank you  Mar," Tarsem said

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