(9) Sullys never run away from their problems

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"this thing. This Quarditch, He can walk right under Eywa's nose."

Tuk motioned for her siblings to be quiet as they approached where she was crouching next to their parent's tent trying to listen in

"This is our family. This is our home"

"This is about our family. This is about our little ones" Little Tuk lowered her head enough to see what was happening inside

"I cannot. You cannot ask this. I cannot leave my people. I will not." Neytiei said, pacing.

"He's hunting us. He's targeting our family." Jake almost begged his wife to agree

"You cannot ask this!" Neytiri (rightfully) lashed out yelling in her husband's face "The children. Everything. they've ever known. The forest. This is our home."

"He had our children. He had 'em under his knife!" Jake added.

Neytiri turned to where she hung her father's bow and held it up to Jake "My father gave me this bow as he lay dying. And he said protect the people" Her voice broke "You're Toruk Macto!" She pleaded trying to get some sense into her husband's brain.

"This will protect the people !" he said back, but his words sounded hollow like even he didn't believe that "Quarditch has Spider. And that kid knows everything. He knows our whole operation... and he can lead them right in here."

Kiri looked at her brothers all of them eavesdropping on their parent's conversation

"If the people harbour us, they will die." Realisation seemed to dawn upon Neytiri at that moment "Do you understand? " Jake added in a softer tone tge sighed "Look I got nothing. I git ni plan... But I can protect this family. that I can do."

Neytiri put a hand on her forehead silently crying.
Guilty, Jake stepped closer to his wife and said gently "But I know one thing. Wherever we go... This family is our fortress.


Later that day

Tyane'nor has been looking all over camp for Tarsem. Usually, he'd be helping warriors in training around this time of the day. Preparing them for their rite of passage.

After long hours of searching and debating, she decided that she was gonna ask her father but subtly enough that he wouldn't suspect that Tarsem was abandoning his post.

Tyane stopped at the tent flaps when she realised her father wasn't alone. He was talking to someone. No, not someone.

Tyane closed her eyes and focused on hearing.


"I-I don't understand Olo'eytikan, why would you ask me that? It's not like you're going anywhere plus Tyane wants to be the next Olo'eytikan-"

"Listen. Tarsem." Jake sounded agitated "The sky people. They're targeting me, my family. They're trying to get back at me for betraying them. And Us. Staying here. Will only put the clan in danger."

"Then we will fight. You're our Olo'eytikan. All you have to do is lead the way. Eywa, just give the order and I will"

"No, son. For the sake of the clan... and my family. We have to leave."

Tarsem's breath caught in his throat "L-Leave? W-wh-" He stopped himself took a deep breath and asked "All of you?" Although there was only ever one Sully he couldn't bear to part ways with.


Outside the tent, Tyane couldn't stop herself from shaking. Her brain was stuck on a loop.

We're leaving. We're leaving. We're leaving. The forest. My home. My friends. Grandma.
Did her siblings know this? It would break their hearts. Lo'ak and Neteyam love running through the trees it is practically the only way they remember how things were before the sky people came. And Kiri her connection with the plants and the animals around her. And Tuk. Oh Tuk if we leave she might never be able to tame her own Ikran. And all her friends. She won't be able to just leave all that behind. she's a child. Oh Eywa they're all children. The forest is all they've ever known. How can she possibly protect them from that? Where would they even go?

Tyane couldn't breathe. She couldn't think. She could barely even see straight. So she did something she hasn't done since she was 5. One of the things that her father taught her before the demons came that she stuck to. Sullys never run away from their problems, we face them head-on.

LIAR. She wanted to scream in his face. LIAR. LIAR. LIAR. But she didn't. Instead, she ran, she didn't even know where she was going. She needed to find her siblings. She needed to be there for them. But she didn't know where any of them were.

So she just... ran. No destination in mind. Letting her legs carry her wherever.



Hey babes sorry for taking so long to update I was suffering from a major writer's block
Anyway, follow me in case there's a delay in any update and Have a good day/night.


P.S.: this is a Spider-hate free zone and if you hate him or blame him for any of it just remember that his whole life he's been a good friend to the sully kids and he endured torture but still refused to give up the clan's location.
Oh yeah and i lowkey hate jake in this film

Responsability | sully oc x metkayina warriorWhere stories live. Discover now