(8) How much Kava have you been drinking?

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Tyane'nor woke up with a terrible headache and absolutely no feeling of her face.

She opened her eyes and realised that she could'nt move, that something was holding her down, several somethings actually.

Tyane looked down on her body and found Tuk's head on her chest, Lo'ak's on her right shoulder, Kiri's on her left and Neteyam's presumably on her thighs, She couldn't see him from her current position though.

She looked around to find herself in her grandma's tent. She smiled to herself, then frowned when she heard two familiar voices from outside, Tarsem and Mar'uay her thoughts were interrupted when the tent flaps opened and Mar'uay walked in she saw that it was dark outside and judging by the breeze he brought with him, it's not a warm night either.


Mar'uay's eyes widened when he found his best friend frowning up at him from where she was lying between her siblings

"A little help will be appreciated" She whispered to him motioning to her siblings

He nodded his face breaking into a grin, easily carrying each of her siblings and setting them together in a pile but out of arm's reach, Lo'ak was last and he clung to his sister for dear life not wanting to let go

"No please..." The boy cried in his sleep, a tear slid down his cheek.

Tyane nodded to Mar'uay and he nodded back leaving the tent, Once he was out Tyane caressed her baby brother's cheek with her left hand and his arm with her right and spoke his name in a soothing voice

when he didn't respond she raised her voice a little "Ma Lo'ak" he stirred and opened his eyes slowly.


Lo'ak woke up to a gentle voice calling his name and found his sister's hand caressing his arm and cheek.

He gasped as relief flooded his veins and he sat up and looked at her and found her awake and smiling at him

"Morning sun-" He cut her off throwing himself at his big sister in a bone-crushing hug

"Thank Eywa" his voice broke and involuntary tears slid down his face.


Tyane sat up, adjusting her little brother on her lap and hugging him back tightly while running her hand through his hair.

"I-I'm s-sorry I-I b-broke m-my p-promise," he said through tears and sobs

"It's okay, ma Lo'ak... I forgive you" Tyane said rubbing her baby brother's back and hugging him tighter.


Tyane'nor stayed like that for a while, letting her baby brother cry it out while hugging him tightly and rocking him back and forth trying to calm his nerves until sleep took him.

After that, she carried him to where the rest of their siblings lay and set him down but not before kissing his cheeks and forehead, then covering them with a blanket making sure not to accidentally bury little Tuk in it.

Tyane heard voices whisper-shouting at each other from outside the tent.

She walked out of the tent to find Mar'uay holding a satchel away from Tarsem luckily she was able to reach it though, they both turned to her, she smelled it and sighed, Kava.

"You're awake," Tarsem said seemingly sobered up the moment he saw her, his eyes full of relief.

"Thank you Mar'uay" She nodded to her friend who's more of a brother.

He smiled and kissed her cheek then turned to leave but was stooped by Tarsem's shocked voice "You knew she was awake? Why didn't you tell me?"

Mar'uay grinned "I did tell you she would skin me alive if she came out of the tent and found you drinking like this" and walked away.

Tyane turned to Tarsem, all the unsaid words hanging in the air between them making it more tense by the second.

"Say it," Tyane ordered, not being able to take his silence or the way he looked at her with a mix of relief, love, sadness and... disappointment

Tarsem shook his head, a few tears running down his cheek and in two strides he was in front of her wrapping an arm around her waist pulling her flush against him and caressing her cheek with his other hand before leaning down and kissing her with such force, as if he was trying to put all those words he didn't say into this one kiss.

It wasn't their first time kissing each other yet somehow this one felt different so she wrapped her arms around his neck and melted into the kiss.

He tasted like Kava, rain and the warm breeze that comes after. He tasted like home.

We pulled away, breathing heavily "Ma Eywa Tarsem, how much Kava have you been drinking? Even I feel drunk"

He chuckled "You're a big girl" he bit his lip and his hungry gaze drifted to hers then back up to her eyes "I'll give you another chance to figure it out" he pulled her in again.

Philosophy was surprisingly pretty easy today.
I like this chapter more than the last one, Hope you're okay and having a good day<333

Responsability | sully oc x metkayina warriorWhere stories live. Discover now